With International Speaker,
Master of Bioenergetic Medicine & Quantum Field Visionary
Dr. Sue Morter

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Course

Explore how to tap into the quantum field to expand your capacity to heal and create your life anew in each moment.

You’re probably already aware that working at the energetic level can be extremely powerful for enhancing your health, creativity, relationships, and manifesting power.

That’s because your energy is the source-fuel that powers the rest of your life and when you have more power, you can create whatever you want more effectively.

That’s why it’s so important to tap into the deepest level of your soul’s energy. When you can connect to this virtually limitless grid, you can move energy into whatever area of your life is most in need of upleveling.

That’s where the Energy Codes® come in. Born of decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, they offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything else in your life.

The Codes allow you to access and ultimately to direct the energy that you need.

That's important because moving and directing energy is the key to healing imbalances and dis-ease in the body. When you learn to access and move energy in an intentional way through your breath, visualizations, and postures, you can treat the root cause of illness, not just the symptoms. And you can then tap your Source energy as well.

Ultimately, these Codes can create a real and lasting shift in your life, beyond merely healing they can help you advance toward life mastery.

True life mastery and manifesting your full potential is about becoming fully intentional with your energy...

In fact, you don’t “have” energy, you are energy… pure, Spirit energy.

The next level of energy medicine is about building new inner circuitry that powers a new version of yourself... living AS energy and manifesting your life as it’s happening.

This is not an abstract process. Each part of your body holds precious gifts and deeper intelligence that can be unlocked by specific codes.

What Are the Energy Codes?

The Energy Codes are a set of proven principles and practices that allow you to become a steward of your energy flow with healing occurring as a byproduct.

Instead of treating or analyzing symptoms (internal and external), you can experience healing by embodying and sustaining your life force through unlocking your Energy Codes.

You’ll begin to see chronic health conditions, difficult relationships, or trauma simply as patterns of energy... that can be shifted.

The benefits of the Energy Codes, developed by early energy medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter, far exceed mind-body healing...

Dr. Sue teaches daily practices that can stimulate your central nervous system and your electromagnetic field opening the gateway between your conscious and subconscious mind.

Applying the Energy Codes daily, you’ll begin to...

  • Manifest according to your soul’s requirements
  • Awaken to your role as the master creator of your life
  • Make choices based on how opportunities land energetically
  • Deeply engage with your work and relationships
  • Heal your body-mind by becoming a steward of your energy flow

Plus, you’ll raise your vibrational field to resonate with your soul’s highest purpose...

Awaken to Your Role as Co-Creator

The most profound healing you can experience is awakening to your true role as a co-creator of everything in your life.

Living as the flow of energy rather than from the limiting energy patterns within your body-mind, you’ll begin to embody a version of yourself you’ve only had a glimpse of before.

The Energy Codes will help you build the new neurocircuitry to sustain this truer Self activating your higher brain centers and creative wavelengths of mental energy.

If you’ve tried manifesting using the Law of Attraction, visualization, and other techniques, there’s a reason the results have been less than what you envisioned for your life...

It’s time to build the internal circuitry that allows you to perceive and ACCESS the quantum field of possibility, where all form is conceived.

You are the Creatorship.
Dr. Sue

The Power of the Energy Codes for Healing & Manifestation

In meditation 17 years ago, Dr. Sue awakened to a new reality and version of herself as pure energy. She’s since taught thousands of people how to work with the Energy Codes.


And now, in this 7-module online course, you also can discover how to:

  • Read the world from an energy-based model, drop the thought, and master your innate energy flow for healing and empowerment
  • Identify the actual reasons for “withholds,” procrastination, fear, and tension and learn to clear them, in only 4 minutes a day
  • Clear unresolved anger and find their original source through your bioenergetics
  • See the body as a conduit and processor of larger energy fields
  • Receive new breathwork practices that free, mobilize, and move your energies, and work through distortions in your bioenergetic field
  • Adopt specific on-the-go techniques for unveiling past residue and unresolved subconscious interferences
  • Identify and move past victim stories even the “well-adapted victim” stories that affirm “you’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got”
  • Build the neurocircuitry to sustain this new identity through activating your high brain centers for generating alpha thinking and perceiving
You can actually refine your ability to “know”
before the evidence appears in the physical world.
Dr. Sue

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules


If you want to manifest effectively, love fully, and embrace (rather than fear) the beautiful mystery of your existence as energy, you’re in the right place...

Each on-demand video module with Dr. Sue will build harmoniously upon the next. You’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to activate your Energy Codes.

You’ll step into the field of expanded possibility, accessing your highest potential and living as a radiant, WHOLE being emanating love and grace.


Module 1: Beyond Healing Revealing Your Magnificence


Most people get caught up in trying to heal what’s missing, broken, or “wrong” in their lives. Unfortunately, that means they only get good at finding and fixing problems that already exist; they’re always behind the eight ball trying to “make do.”

In reality, you’re made as a creator and are intended to generate your thoughts and actions from a place of clear creativity versus reactivity.

When you allow your magnificence to be revealed from the depth of your being, the universe responds in kind to manifest it. You simply have to learn how to build the neurocircuitry to support the process.

The fastest way to do this is to learn how to work with the basic raw energy which is foundational to your makeup, rather than having to work through all of your limiting beliefs to sort your way to your true, underlying, essential self. You will heal as a byproduct of your new focus.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to shift reality through The Quantum Flip™, enabling you to read the world from an energy-based model, drop the thought, and master your innate energy flow for healing and empowerment
  • Advance your understanding of bioenergetics and energy medicine  and of how your body is a conduit and processor of larger energy fields
  • Practice developing your capacity to enter into your body’s sensory awareness beyond the level of mind
  • Learn to identify how your vital force is running in compromised patterns and begin to reconnect it to the quantum field
  • Begin to use bioenergetics to master your life experience for healing and beyond through learning the language and dynamics of the body/mind/breath triad
  • Identify and go beyond victim stories even the “well-adapted victim” stories that affirm “you’re doing the best with what you’ve got”
  • Build the neurocircuitry to sustain this new identity through activating high-brain centers for generating alpha thinking and perceiving

Module 2: Befriending the Void Enliven It With the Energy Codes


Embracing the unknown is one of the greatest human achievements ever accomplished. Sometimes entire lifetimes are spent trying to “get okay” with not knowing what’s next or “what will happen if.”

This challenge arises primarily from using the responsive aspects of your brain and your consciousness overall, rather than the generative ones.

The language of a greater knowing is within your reach. By getting in touch with those aspects of your wholeness, you can begin to “know” before you have physical evidence; essentially working ahead of time with the outcomes in your life. A major block to this is unresolved subconscious emotional residue your body will lead the way to resolve and clear this residue.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to decipher the abundant potential hidden in the sensation of “not knowing what to do next” in your life
  • Receive specific on-the-go techniques for unveiling past residue and unresolved subconscious interferences while living your life
  • Identify the actual reasons for “withholds,” procrastination, fear, and tension and learn to clear them in just 4 minutes each day with the B.E.S.T. Release® technique
  • Clear unresolved angers and find their original source your own bioenergetics will likely surprise you as to what that is!
  • Establish and encode a new functional set point for your Soulful Self to allow comfort in taking action before knowing the outcome
  • Train your mind to not make up stories about what you don’t yet know and stay more open to sensory input for more sustainable results
  • Receive BodyAwake™ breathwork practices that free, mobilize, and move your energies and work through distortions in your bioenergy field in a nonverbal way

Module 3: Marrying Mind, Body & Breath for Deep Core Presence and Abundance


Liberation happens when you connect to your Divine Self as a real and tangible version of yourself the real You, not just a concept held as a separate ideal.

What we seek is who we actually are. When you find the “Seeker,” you find what you seek. This module shows you exactly how to do that step by step.

The mind is busy and rapidly writing stories to find a sense of safety. The body moves at a much slower and more grounded energetic frequency. When the body and mind find each other, both are enhanced in their function in the physical world. The breath is what marries them binds them together in intimate presence with one another. Then, once you learn the secret ingredient to accelerate the benefit of this reconnection, freedom is at hand, and your life changes for good.

You’ll also map out a plan for yourself to take action on a daily basis to establish the neurocircuitry to sustain these great experiences and discoveries that are beginning to surface to your awareness. At this point in the course, most students start experiencing results immediately.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Connect with your core vibratory center in a way that creates more flow and divine access, moment to moment
  • Access deep, divine wisdom stored within the unconscious crevices of your unawakened self, with techniques that stir it to wakefulness
  • Learn integration techniques to utilize all aspects of the self simultaneously, drawing upon the entire spectrum of available energies
  • Discover how to collaborate with your unique life path with grace and ease to fuel your own liberation
  • Recognize your core as the central channel of the body through which you are destined to operate and learn to find it and replenish it with regular daily practices
  • Increase your capacity to sustain your grounded and powerful loving presence when operating in groups and/or less supportive environments

Module 4: Build Your Own Bioenergetic Support System


As human consciousness expands, it’s first experienced as a void an unknown part of ourselves comes to our conscious awareness and we can feel alone in an unfamiliar world.

Even the most avid energy worker sometimes experiences a shift so immense that it’s difficult to translate new realities into working, functioning projects. This module ensures that integration and embodiment of new vibrational frequencies are readily accessible and applicable to an even deeper degree.

This module is not about learning to survive in this world with more tools to utilize in that effort, it’s about learning to see yourself as the true and tremendous Sensory Being that you are, capable of transmitting information from the multiple dimensions of your Essential Self into this life for the greatest of physical human experiences.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Deepen your understanding of the sensory system that is up to 1,000 times more pronounced than the motor system
  • Learn techniques for mastering your ability to perceive the subtle energy that’s actually available, rather than perceiving through limiting beliefs and set patterns from your subconscious past
  • Develop your sixth sense and your multiple layers beyond
  • Learn the research behind vibrational storage of higher-frequency energies on a cellular level in order to maximize your baseline vitality
  • Develop your brain to support the new wave patterns of your awakening self
  • Practice specific brain pattern activations and body postures to sustain enhanced intuitions and energetic flow for ongoing support
  • Turn up the volume on gut feelings and signals from your body to give you increased information and access to constant and unconditional love

Module 5: Bioenergetics of Intuitive Mastery for the Empath in a Rapidly Changing World


Intuition is invaluable in our lives, and cultivating your intuition is one of the most loving practices you can pursue. It is not cultivated through the thinking mind, but rather through the heart, the subconscious, and the body specifically the gut.

Building the bioenergetic circuitry to easily trust your gut puts you in touch with billions of times more information than your thinking mind has access to.

Through cultivating intuition and stewarding it with your mind, you will continue to refine your ability to “know” before the evidence appears in the physical world. This puts you in the creatorship zone that you’re meant to live in.

Many people naturally have the ability to experience what another person is experiencing sometimes to an overwhelming degree. You’ll discover how to cultivate and direct your natural gifts of intuition in a way that strengthens and supports your empathic self... so that when you sense what others are experiencing, it enhances your life rather than overwhelms you; thus keeping you available as a contributor in the world on every level.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Enhance your intuition and “right use” of your imagination accessing “whole use” of your senses and capacities to experience your wholeness, health, and abundance
  • Reprogram your conscious mind, subconscious mind, and energy fields to support your authenticity, establishing a new personal operating code
  • Clarify important distinctions between empathy, sympathy, and compassion, and build neurocircuitry to support accurate implementation
  • Awaken specific energy centers in the body with techniques to enhance the discovery of your empowered self
  • Learn specific testing procedures and body postures to access your intuitive knowing through your body
  • Manifest from your intuition and flow states vs. your intellect and will enabling you to accomplish more with less effort
  • Use your body as a divine compass pointing you to the deeper recognitions and shifts that allow your full expression to shine

Module 6: Creating Sacred Relationships


The greatest relationship you will ever create the relationship that is even more important than the one that you have with yourself is the relationship that you have with “the way things go.”

When we build a trusted relationship with the way things go, we are inherently in good rapport with “ourselves” and are moving forward into life and its happenings... We exist in relationship with everything: our loved ones, our history, our fears, and our dreams.

This module provides key teachings from the Energy Codes to unlock that higher perspective on relationships and to enhance your ability to remove subconscious interferences. You’ll experience how to establish new patterns in interpersonal relationships and relationships with money, health, abundance, and nature based on Divine Love.

The concepts and techniques in this module help you, as a part of nature, access your natural underlying and cosmically abundant energy exchange with life opening you to the streaming energy of the loving heart instead of staying in a congested state created by the mind.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Find out why the loving heart is more than 5,000 times more powerful than the most brilliant thought you can think and discover how to capture this at the cellular level and use it to your advantage
  • Remove subconscious interference to meaningful and intimate relationships with others and set a new coding in place
  • Improve the expression of your relationship with money, health, and abundance redefining who you are relative to these aspects of life
  • Gain a higher perspective on relationships and why so many attempts to understand or improve them ultimately fall short
  • Communicate with others from your vibrational core and learn to listen from an embodied, awakened space
  • Understand the protective function of your central nervous system, which often leads to relationships plateauing rather than manifesting another level of grace and ease

Module 7: Manifest Your Highest Purpose Serve Your Soul, Serve the World


One of the first questions that arises within is “Why am I here, and what is my purpose?”

As you explore your inner depths and increase your awareness of your subtle energies, this question and its myriad answers spiral through your life again and again with greater understanding and clarity. The universe is holographic what happens and heals within you happens and heals for all of humanity, globally and throughout space and time. Not only do you heal yourself in the here and now, you heal past and future generations.

This module answers the age-old question, “How does my individual spiritual journey support human consciousness on a global scale?”

Through your dedicated practice to the BodyAwake™ exercises and breathwork, you’ll have gained an awareness of how to open your body for the highest vibrational resonance and healing. Now, we’ll focus on how to take that to the macro level to assist in healing society, consciousness, and the planet.

Quantum science is showing us that there is only one of us here. When we heal ourselves, we heal an entire bandwidth of humanity.

In this most important time in our recent history, we are faced with an opportunity to embody our full soulful potential and choose to stay in Love when there is profound invitation to do otherwise. This module will guide you in how to fashion that profound version of who you are meant to be. This is your time. Learn how here.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Integrate what you’ve uncovered and translate it into regular daily practice and life mastery
  • Gain greater clarity about your soul’s purpose for being on the planet (you are more than just a bridge between heaven and earth)
  • Bring your subtle energies into alignment with your higher intentions and release any stories of victimization
  • Reintegrate conscious, subconscious, and unconscious parts of you to create authentic, sustainable transformation through Divine Love
  • Learn quick ways to use and benefit from the Energy Codes principles and practices
  • Discover what to do and what to be to support the evolution and ascension of human consciousness on a global scale


The Energy Codes Bonus Collection


In addition to Dr. Sue’s transformative 7-module course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonuses complement what you’ll discover in the course and will deepen your understanding and practice of the Energy Codes.


108 Ways to Embody Your Magnificence
3-Part Audio Program From Dr. Sue Morter

Manifest your fullness as the divine and creative presence that you are. When you keep your mind focused on what matters most, it manifests. Everything falls into place with grace and ease when you have an understanding of how to do so. The affirmations and instructions in 108 Ways to Embody Your Magnificence help you step consciously into the full expression of You. Listen while you drive or walk in the park. Learn while you live, and live while you learn!


Being a 21st-Century Divine Messenger
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols

In this rare conversation between two powerful speakers and teachers, Dr. Sue and Lisa explore what it means to be a 21st-century divine messenger. Given their success in impacting millions of people, this dialogue will offer great insight into your own connection to your life’s purpose and what it means to show up as a vessel for a divine message each and every day.

Lisa Nichols is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as a media personality and corporate CEO whose global platform has reached and served nearly 30 million people. From a struggling single mom on public assistance to a millionaire entrepreneur, Lisa’s courage and determination has inspired fans worldwide and helped countless audiences break through to discover their own untapped talents and infinite potential. Her participation in the self-development phenomenon, The Secret, catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, The Steve Harvey Show and Extra just to name a few. Lisa is a bestselling author of seven books, including No Matter What and Abundance Now, and is also the founder of Motivating the Masses and the CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, LLC.


Embodiment Meditation 101: Clearing the Central Channel
Audio Meditation From Dr. Sue Morter

In this bonus audio meditation, Dr. Sue provides a guide to chart the course for clearing the central channel for Prana (vital force energy) flow. For beginners and experienced meditators alike, Embodiment Meditation 101 introduces practices for mindful focus and creating the physical space within the body for personal healing and empowerment.


What Graduates Are Saying About Dr. Sue Morter...

“Completely experiential and easy to understand...”

Fantastic information regarding how we experience life. Completely experiential and easy to understand and work with. Dr. Sue is an incredible teacher. She’s a passionate visionary.
Susan, Memphis, Tennessee

“Now I feel better, more alive...”

This course helped me know the true me better. It also helped me release some blocked energy so now I feel better, more alive, and it also helped me stay in my body more, which is essential for a healthier and more integrated and fulfilling life...

“Essential knowledge needed to navigate today’s choppy waters of life”

Awesome course! Essential knowledge needed to navigate today’s choppy waters of life.
Lorraine, New York

“It helped open me to the truth of who I am”

Totally life changing! I healed a great deal, and it helped open me to the truth of who I am. I can now move on and begin to facilitate healing in others.
Amanda, Sacramento, California

“Deepened my strength, keeping me grounded and held by divine love...”

From the very beginning I have experienced a “pillar of power” running through me that deepened my strength, keeping me grounded and held by divine love throughout my daily activities. I love the exercises that help me feel present and powerful. I resonate deeply with Dr. Sue’s teachings and appreciate her powerful articulation of concepts and ideas...
Maggie Reigh, Lake Country, British Columbia

“Alive, interested, curious, sure that whatever comes to me is the best”

This course changed the way I see myself. I have not felt so alive, interested, curious, sure that whatever comes to me is the best... Thank you, all my gratitude to Dr. Sue Morter and The Shift Network community for this wonderful course.
Lupina, Mexico

“Perfect for where I am on my spiritual journey...”

Dr. Sue walks her talk. This was one of the most powerful courses I’ve taken and was perfect for where I am on my spiritual journey right now. Highly, highly recommended.
Charan Surdhar, United Kingdom

“It deepened my knowledge and experience exponentially”

I have been interested in and studied energy healing for over 20 years. This course was amazing. It deepened my knowledge and experience exponentially. Dr. Sue’s work is amazing. I look forward to more courses and deeper study of her work. I highly recommend it.
Georgia Gray, Grass Valley, California

“Helps me to reconnect to my true self”

This is an excellent course to take to connect with your body and understand what’s going on and how to release blockages by breathwork and some simple exercises. [It helped me] reconnect to my true self.
Sylvia Carroll, Redding, California

“This course will allow you to drop your old beliefs forever...”

This course will allow you to drop your old beliefs forever... easily, effortlessly... Welcome to the real you!
Teressa, Jeffersonville, Indiana


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Dr. Sue Morter

Experience a rare opportunity to learn with pioneering spiritual teacher Dr. Sue Morter from the comfort of your own home. Each module guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven Video Modules

Each module will be available for you to stream in high-quality video format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a module, and you can watch anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.


Seven Audio Recordings of Modules

With each module the audio will be available for you to stream in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a module, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive a transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Module

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Energy Codes Bonus Collection

  • 108 Ways to Embody Your Magnificence
    3-part Audio Program From Dr. Sue Morter
  • Being a 21st-Century Divine Messenger
    Audio Dialogue With Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols
  • Embodiment Meditation 101: Clearing the Central Channel
    Audio Meditation From Dr. Sue Morter

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Your Energy Codes Virtual Training


We feel honored Dr. Sue Morter has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive on-demand video course. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a modern spiritual teacher who combines science and spirit while doing this important, transformative work.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dr. Sue’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about deepening your spiritual life and healing power, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Dr. Sue Morter.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your powerful spiritual journey, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Your Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.



More Praise for Dr. Sue Morter...



“She brings people to the core ‘yes’ of their being”

Dr. Sue puts a powerful emphasis on embodiment, on activation, and actually living these truths. She brings people to the core “yes” of their being. Dr. Sue is a real, authentic teacher, doing the real work... It’s my joy to be associated with her and to call her my friend and colleague.
Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center

“Dr. Sue is a master...”

Dr. Sue is a master at blending the most cutting-edge scientific knowledge with profound spiritual wisdom.
Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author

“She is ahead of her time...”

I had the privilege of sharing the TEDxNASA stage with Dr. Sue... and it was a chance to be witness to genius in action. I knew when I heard her message that A) she is ahead of her time which means B) the rest of us have a lot of catching up to do... truly a visionary.
John St. Augustine, award-winning talk radio host

“She’s a vital force in helping our world evolve...”

I am honored to be in Sue’s community... She's is a vital force in helping our world evolve.
Bruce Lipton, PhD, Cell biologist, lecturer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

“I love Sue’s message and her soul.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Researcher, chiropractor, lecturer, and New York Times bestselling author of You Are the Placebo and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

“One cannot help but be shifted by her...”

Dr. Sue is an invigorating, on fire, and on purpose powerhouse whose aim is to instill in us our own indisputable knowledge of our greatness and our worthiness. One cannot help but be shifted by her.
Farhana Dhalla, Author, speaker, and coach

“I have great respect and love for Dr. Sue.”

Anita Moorjani, Speaker and New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me


About Dr. Sue Morter


Dr. Sue Morter, an international speaker, master of bioenergetic medicine, and quantum field visionary, redirects the flow of energy patterns in the body to activate full human potential. In her new book, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life, and through her seminars, retreats, and presentations, Dr. Sue illuminates the relationship of quantum science and energy medicine, as well as the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Her globally taught Energy Codes® coursework teaches individuals how to clear subconscious memory blockages and how to master the energetics of their lives. With more than 30 years of experience as a doctor and facilitator of groups and individuals interested in natural healing and a better life, Dr. Sue shares her developments and unique perspective drawn from a life-changing awakening during ancient meditation practices.

Dr. Sue is nationally published and has served on professional licensing boards, providing guidance to health care practitioners on integrative approaches to health care leadership. She’s a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.

She’s founder of the Morter Health Center and the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on quantum science.




Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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