Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Align with who you truly are as you awaken and embody the Goddess energies within — and step into what your soul desires most in your wisdom years of life.
As a twenty-first century mature woman, are you ready to step into your power?
Whether you’re calling on your wise-woman energies in your role as mother or grandmother, leading the way for an important cause, or expressing your creative side through your garden, you’re determined to lead a full life of meaning, depth, and authenticity.
... you’re determined to lead a full life of meaning, depth, and authenticity.
Think back on the first half of your life. Did you sometimes struggle to adapt to the expectations of family and culture? So many women often do!
As we collectively adjust to life after a global pandemic, confronting global economic instability, climate change, and many other challenges involving basic human dignity, we are all being called to dig deeper into the foundations of who we really are.
In this liminal transition between what was and what’s next, we have been provided an amazing opportunity for deeper self-discovery, renewal, and transformation.
It’s time to uncover your inner Jungian Goddess archetypes — some that have been with you since childhood — to let go of limitations and embrace new, authentic ways of being.
Embark on a powerful 7-module course from Jungian analyst and feminine psychology pioneer Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, and embody the transformative archetypal energies of the Goddesses within you as you step into life’s third act.
Jean's course guides you to understand how your personal Jungian archetype formed in your childhood...
As you’ll discover, some of the Goddess archetypes within you are emerging for the first time in these pivotal days, while others have been a part of you since you were born — waiting to be unveiled and activated after being repressed for so long.
Learning which Goddesses are stirring within you — which are dominant, which are dormant, which need to be cultivated, and which need to be overcome — can help you envision and call up strengths and qualities when you need them most.
As you awaken and embody the Goddess energies within, you’ll align with who you truly are deep down — beneath familial and cultural conditioning and disempowering beliefs.
When you live in your own truth, it’s easy to find connection, purpose, and true happiness in this world — including more vitality, passion, authenticity, and power.
Jean’s groundbreaking bestselling book, Goddesses in Everywoman, published over 30 years ago, and its later companion publication, Goddesses in Older Women, provide deep and valuable explorations into the feminine psyche and are still considered foundational works for feminist psychology.
Jean is celebrated for the work she’s done as a Jungian analyst and the radiance she holds with total grace at an advanced age. She continues to provide the kind of Jungian wisdom she pioneered.
During these seven modules from Jean, you’ll learn to leave behind the shoulds and can’ts and finally feel comfortable in your own skin, powerful in your purpose — and happy, playful, and creative in your daily life.
During this empowering 7-module course, you’ll:
- Explore Jean’s fascinating blend of feminist insights with classical myths, archetypal psychology, and much more
- Discover the Millionth Circle principle — based on the premise that when a critical number of people change their perceptions and behavior, a new era can begin
- Learn how the Goddesses in every woman reveal innate patterns of being and behaving, based on Greek Goddesses from classical mythology
- Explore how we discovered the Goddesses in men and Gods in women as education and roles became gender inclusive
- Find meaning and purpose in your third act
- Cultivate more creativity and love in these wisdom years of life
- Reframe life-threatening illness and other obstacles as soul journeys
- Discover what the third act looks like for humanity and the planet — amid global warming, the pandemic, violence, prejudice, and war
- And much more...
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Jean guides you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to awaken and embody the Goddess energies within as you align with who you truly are — and step into what your soul desires most in your wisdom years of life.
The Beauty of On-Demand
This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Jean. Each module builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become bolder and wiser as you activate and embody your inner Goddess archetypes. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.
Module 1: Goddesses in Everywoman — Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives
Personal qualities are obvious in babies and children. One child may be placid and quiet; another may be active or curious.
In this opening module, you'll begin to understand how your personal archetype formed in your childhood.
Jean explains how male medical experts once thought of babies as blank slates for parents and teachers to “write” on — molded like clay to conform to or become who they’re expected to be.
Meanwhile, mothers and nursemaids with numerous children knew that personality qualities were present from the beginning.
The truth is, from early childhood through adolescence and into adulthood, family and culture determine and judge what qualifies as “acceptable” traits, qualities, and behavior.
In this first module, you’ll discover:
- How the Goddesses in every woman reveal innate patterns of being and behaving, based on Greek Goddesses from classical mythology
- How the patterns you come into the world with can develop into powerful archetypes — and how these patterns can become suppressed
- The Virgin Goddesses — Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, competitor and sister; Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Crafts, strategist and father’s daughter; Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Temple
- The Vulnerable Goddesses — Hera, Goddess of Marriage, archetype of the wife; Demeter, Goddess of Grain, archetype of the nurturing mother; Persephone, the abducted maiden, who became queen of the underworld
- The Alchemical Goddesses — Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, archetype of the creative woman and lover in ancient Greece, later denigrated as the whore
Module 2: Emerging Goddesses in Older Women — Anger, Humor & Kindness
Humanity and the planet are in a time of crisis. From the beginning of the 20th century with the Great Depression, World War I and II, the United Nations, and nuclear weapons...
... into the 21st century with global warming, the pandemic, and weapons of mass destruction...
... will we evolve or devolve?
Jean shares how women’s life expectancy grew from just 35 years old at the beginning of the 20th century to, now, around 80 years.
Privileged women with long lives outlive husbands, are educated, travel — and many have gained respect and authority and hold high positions in government, business, academia, creativity, and science.
In this module, you’ll discover women who live long lives often embody traits of the Goddesses who were not valued on Mt. Olympus, such as:
- The Goddess of Transformative Wrath: her name is Outrage — or Sekhmet, ancient Egyptian lion-headed Goddess, or Kali Ma, Hindu Goddess
- The Goddess of Healing Laughter: her name is Mirth — or Baubo, bawdy Greek Goddess, or Uzume, Japanese Goddess of Mirth and Dance
- The Goddess of Compassion: her name is Kindness — or Kuan Yin, Virgin Mary, or Lady Liberty
Module 3: Suppression & Emergence of the Goddesses of Wisdom
The archetype of the wise woman or wise crone is a generic description for the inner development of soul qualities most associated with the third phase of women’s lives.
In this session, you'll discover how sometimes children who were neglected or suffered abuse drew solace and wisdom from the wise woman/wise crone archetype.
As a result, these children didn’t identify with their oppressors — and did not ultimately become like the adults who neglected or abused them.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How women’s wisdom was personified by the pre-Olympian Goddesses — and by archetypal wise women
- Why these pre-Olympian Goddesses were minimized in the patriarchy of Greek mythology — and persecuted in the Judeo-Christian scriptures and culture
- Stories from classical mythology, including how Metis, Goddess of Practical and Intellectual Wisdom, was swallowed by Zeus — who claimed he had her wisdom
- The many ways Sophia, Goddess of Mystical and Spiritual Wisdom, was hidden and impersonalized in the Bible
- The story of Hecate, Goddess of Intuitive and Psychic Wisdom, whose time is twilight at the fork in the road
- The Goddess without a persona, Hestia, Goddess of Meditative Wisdom and the Hearth and Temple, who exists in the fire at the center of a round hearth
Module 4: The Goddesses & Gods in Everyone
Some mythological “male” divine qualities, inherent tendencies, and abilities can become well-developed in women — just as some “Goddess-given” qualities can be well-expressed in men.
You will be introduced to Hermes, the friendly Messenger God — the archetype within her that she lives out when speaking and writing, and that inspires her on her far-flung, interesting travels.
You’ll discover how Jung first saw the feminine aspect in men that he called the anima — and the masculine element in women that he called the animus.
In Jung’s time, people were expected to live out traditional masculine and feminine roles. His anima-animus theory about the contrasexual elements of people assumed that any masculine elements found in women (and feminine elements found in men) would always be less effective.
The women’s movement in the 1960s and 1970s led to more women in traditionally “male” professions and men taking on more “female” professions.
You'll also discover how throughout her own journey, Jean found each God and Goddess felt familiar to her because she embodied elements of them.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How we discovered the Goddesses in men and Gods in women as education and roles became gender inclusive
- Why there isn’t a specific communicator Goddess or archetype, nor is there a Goddess who meets people on journeys, travels from upper world to underworld, or guides souls
- The Father Archetypes and their realms — Zeus, God of the Sky and ruler of Olympus; Poseidon, God of the Sea, from the realm of emotion and instinct; Hades, God of the Underworld, from the realm of souls and the unconscious
- The Son Archetypes — Apollo, God of the Sun, archer, lawgiver; Hermes, Messenger God, guide of souls, trickster, traveler; Ares, God of War, dancer, lover; Hephaestus, God of the Forge, craftsman, inventor, loner; and Dionysus, mystic, lover, wanderer
Module 5: Moving Toward the Millionth Circle
Moving toward the metaphorical Millionth Circle is all about heart-centered activism.
Based on the premise that when a critical number of people change their perceptions and behavior, a new era can begin, it’s the tipping point into a post-patriarchal world…
Jean shares how her book, The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and The World, is a guide to women’s circles with a sacred center. You'll discover how it inspired the formation of the Millionth Circle Initiative, which refers to the circle whose (metaphoric) formation tips the scales and shifts planetary consciousness. The Millionth Circle is a group of women who, since 2001, have volunteered their time to hold this vision through their participation in monthly virtual circles and annual in-person circles where a deepening of the circle experience occurs.
Jean shares her perspective that in every structure or group of people, you’re either in a circle or a hierarchy.
Even when there’s just a group of two, when there’s an unspoken assumption that you’ll defer or be subordinate, accepting the other’s judgment or choices in place of your own — you’re living in a patriarchy of two.
She also explains how you can always effect transformation from wherever you are in the hierarchy or circle — this is your share of the patriarchy, and it can change as soon as you do.
Jean walks through these principles of the Millionth Circle:
- Create a circle of equals with an invisible spiritual center
- Speak and listen from your heart
- Listen with discernment instead of judgment
- Speak from your own experience
- Hold in confidence what is shared in confidence
- Use silence for reflection, meditation, and prayer
Module 6: Act III — Becoming Who You’re Meant to Be
At some point after age 50, every woman crosses a threshold into the third phase of her life.
You'll discover how the mid-life transition into your third act is the liminal phase between “what was” and “what next” — which also coincides for many with the global pandemic and global warming...
You’ll discover how humanity is living through the end of the patriarchal age of Pisces and beginning the egalitarian age of Aquarius.
As you enter this uncharted territory, you can choose to mourn what’s gone before, or embrace these juicy crone years.
Jean shares the powerful new energies that come into the psyche at this momentous time — and the profound and exciting reasons for welcoming the other side of 50.
In Act III of your life, you might find yourself surviving a life-threatening illness, transitioning into menopause, and becoming who you were meant to be.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Ways to find meaning and purpose in your third act
- How to cultivate more creativity and love in these wisdom years of life
- Ways to reframe life-threatening illness and other obstacles as soul journeys
- What the third act looks like for humanity and the planet — amid global warming, the global pandemic, violence, prejudice, war, and more
Module 7: Phases of the Moon & Stages of Your Life
In this final module, you'll discover how after-death communications can come to you in many forms.
You may experience these exchanges through a dream, as an intuitively felt or sensed presence, or upon hearing a voice and seeing a vision — while you’re awake, or through a medium.
Many believe that after-death communications are actually quite common — especially with the sudden, unexpected deaths of the pandemic.
We live many lifetimes. As we observe children, adolescents, and adults, some seem to be “old souls,” while others seem to be “young souls.”
You'll be prompted to consider the essential question: If we have lived more than this one life — what did we come to do, to learn, and love this time around?
Jean also shares how the phases of the moon connect to the personal stages of your life as a woman, including:
- The Waxing Moon phase that begins with menarche, when the child becomes the Maiden
- The Full Moon phase, starting with pregnancy and motherhood or an equivalent commitment of becoming a mature woman
- The Waning Moon phase, which begins with menopause and exemplifies the Crone or the Wise Woman
- The Dark of the Moon, including death as transition to “the other side”
The Activate & Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes Bonus Collection
In addition to Jean’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Untapped Source of Peace
Video of Poem Written and Read by Jean Shinoda Bolen With PDF Companion Designed by Carol Hansen Grey
Listen as Jean reads her own heartfelt poem about bringing feminine archetypes into the world, then download your own beautiful copy of the poem suitable for framing, designed by Carol Hansen Grey. You’ll be even more deeply inspired to identify your own inner goddesses and use the archetypes to guide yourself and others to greater peace, wholeness, and happiness. You’ll also see how you can tap into the power of these enduring archetypes to become a more resourced heroine of your life story.
Cancer as a Turning Point
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen
One in three women in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer — and it can throw even the most self-assured woman into a crisis of body, mind, and spirit. In this teaching, Jean shares how to survive and thrive, we’re being called to rally all of our inner resources and reframe the healing process in a positive, creative, and spiritual light. Jean’s empowering teaching is relevant and useful to anyone whose life has been touched by cancer or other life-threatening illnesses.
At the Crossroads With Hecate
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen
Transitions happen when major shifts occur in relationships, work, status, or health. In some significant way, we’re no longer who we used to be. This often leaves us at a major crossroads that can be difficult to navigate. With Hecate, ancient Goddess of the Crossroads and archetype of the wise woman at your side, you have an energy that sees where you’ve come from, and which direction each of your choices can take you. In this powerful teaching, you’ll explore what it means to be at a crossroads with Hecate — at a choice-point that can shape your life when you’re on the threshold of what comes next.
Like a Tree: How Trees, Women & Tree People Can Save the Planet
Video Reflections From Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean’s reflections in this powerful talk grew out of her practice of walking among tall trees and mourning the loss of a Monterey pine that was cut down in her neighborhood. This teaching is a strong and positive call to ecological activism. As you’ll discover, it’s framed by Jean’s unique vision based on metaphysics, psychology, mythology, and global gender politics.
Indomitable Spirit in Activists & the Archetype of Artemis
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean gave this powerful talk at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. After her introduction by Elisabeth Baerg Hall, MD, Jean shares how the archetype of Artemis is in every feminist with a sense of sisterhood with women. Like the Goddess who’s the older twin of Apollo, Artemis women have a sense of equality with men, and compete easily. Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon; her realm is the wilderness and the waxing moon. She protects young girls and animals. A mortal, Atalanta, is another image of an Artemis woman, one who met her match in Meleager.
What Graduates of Jean’s Courses Are Saying...
“Jean Shinoda Bolen is an incredible resource for any woman or man wanting to better understand deep archetypal influences in themselves.”
“An inspiring and empowering course.”
“Jean Shinoda Bolen is one of the wisest women I have come across in our world at this time...”
“She is a wonderful, learned, and wise teacher — and her work on archetypes is excellent.”
“Learned that I’m not the ‘only one,’ and how to proceed on my quest of searching for my life’s purpose...”
“This is my second course with Dr. Jean and I loved every minute of it.”
“Jean has supported me with powerful archetypal wise-women wisdom and far exceeded any expectations that I had.”
“Jean is an amazing, knowledgeable, articulate Goddess professor!”
“This course has made me very proud to be a woman.”
“She is a fabulous model... gentle and soft spoken, yet highly informed and a powerful activist.”
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Modules
Experience a unique opportunity learn from the Jungian analyst, psychiatrist, author, and activist Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD — from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to align with who you truly are as you awaken and embody the Goddess energies within.
Seven Transcripts of Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Activate & Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes Bonus Collection
- Untapped Source of Peace
Video of Poem Written and Read by Jean Shinoda Bolen With PDF Companion Designed by Carol Hansen Grey - Cancer as a Turning Point
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen - At the Crossroads With Hecate
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen - Like a Tree: How Trees, Women & Tree People Can Save the Planet
Video Reflections From Jean Shinoda Bolen - Indomitable Spirit in Activists & the Archetype of Artemis
Video Teaching From Jean Shinoda Bolen
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Activate & Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes to Become Bolder, Wiser & More Authentically You Online Training
We feel honored that Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Jungian analyst, psychiatrist, author, and activist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about aligning with who you truly are as you awaken and embody the Goddess energies within, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Activate & Embody Powerful Goddess Archetypes to Become Bolder, Wiser & More Authentically You — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
About Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and internationally known author, speaker, and activist. She is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award 2020-21 from Marquis Who’s Who, a clinical professor of psychiatry (retired) at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and the past chairperson of the American Psychiatric Association Council of National Affairs.
She has authored 13 books, now available in over 100 foreign editions, including The Tao of Psychology... Goddesses in Everywoman... Goddesses in Older Women... Crones Don’t Whine... and Artemis: the Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content — online via your Homepage — unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.