With the Creator of Transformational Breath® &
Founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation
Dr. Judith Kravitz

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience transformational breathing practices to gain spiritual awareness so you can breathe abundantly to activate the Law of Attraction and begin transforming your self-imposed limitations, catalyzing your intention, restoring inner balance, and opening yourself to the infinite possibilities your life will hold.

No matter how determined you are to accomplish something new or bring a positive change into your life... are you often met by roadblocks and obstacles?

It’s frustrating, like there’s an invisible upper limit you just can’t move beyond.

You’re certainly not alone in feeling like some mysterious combination of negative life circumstances, bad timing, and just plain poor luck are working against you. But have you ever considered that these blocks seemingly standing in your way, don’t come from the outside world at all?

According to Dr. Judith Kravitz, founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation, doctor of metaphysics, and breathwork pioneer who’s helped hundreds of thousands of students and clients all over the world change the way they breathe and heal themselves these disruptions and impediments actually reflect the need for improvement in your relationship with the flow of your own life force… your breath.

And to permanently remove the obstacles to a life full of wellbeing and dreams fulfilled, you must first change how you breathe.

Judith teaches that the way you breathe reflects the life that you’re living and you can master simple yet powerful tools to align your breath with a more fulfilled, healthy, and abundant life.

Join Judith for a 7-module online course and combine breathwork techniques with metaphysics, breathing analysis, sound healing, body mapping, the Law of Attraction, and other healing and spiritual principles to experience a new, integrated blueprint for healing and wholeness.

During your seven modules with Judith, you’ll discover how wealth in its many different forms is, as she puts it, an inside job. Any lack in your reality is, in fact, actually a lack in your consciousness.

Most people’s unhealthy breathing habits include using only a third of their respiratory systems and the rest has been shut down to repress difficult emotions and experiences. This creates an illusion of safety within yourself and your interactions with the world, but at a great cost...

This physical restriction cuts you off from the life-force flow your body needs to remain open, healthy, and balanced while also creating layers of resistance to the very things you desire most.

As you move through this illuminating course, you’ll learn to clear this resistance as you breathe fully into your energy centers, reinvigorate your mind and heart with clarity and focus and use the power of attraction to magnetize your intentions to you.

You’ll learn to create more satisfaction in your life as you experience the frequencies of pure sound combined with breathing using sound as yet another way to create integration and higher vibrational states.

Judith will show you how to harness the power of abundant breathing to transform the self-imposed limitations you’ve (unknowingly) had in your life for far too long and receive all the beautiful gifts life has to offer.

In this enlightening new online course, you’ll:

  • Explore the many different areas of abundance beyond financial wealth and participate in an exercise to choose an area of your life where you’d like to experience more abundance
  • Combine breathwork techniques with metaphysics, breathing analysis, sound healing, body mapping, and other healing and spiritual principles to develop an integrated blueprint for healing and wholeness and increasing your manifesting power
  • Learn a 5-step plan to continue experiencing greater abundance on every level
  • Learn to expand your breath to amplify your ability to receive the good things that you desire that are patiently waiting for you
  • Change your breathing pattern to break negative unconscious behavior patterns
  • Discover and use a new energy tool to access your subconscious and create permanent vibrational changes
  • Feel the subconscious power of affirmations as you practice using them and a mantra for unconditional love producing instant inner and outer peace
  • Experience a sound exercises to eliminate pain and raise vibrational frequency
  • Be guided through My Giving Heart, a breathing practice to open and bring life-force energy into the heart center
  • Experience higher chakra breathing to activate the miracle consciousness in your DNA, moving through higher center breathing exercises to find grace in each moment, opening the centers of your vision and higher will

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Judith will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully awaken the awareness of your inner energy and create a powerful life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Judith. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to breathe more abundantly to transform self-imposed limitations, catalyze intention, restore inner balance, and open to infinite possibilities for your life.

Module 1: Manifesting the Life & Breath You Want

When your breath is open and flowing, you’re in the flow of life...

Abundance is much more than just financial wealth there are many spiritual and emotional forms of Abundance in every area of life. There’s a direct relationship between the breath/life force, our greater good, and the ability to manifest a fully abundant life on every level.

In this opening module, Judith will guide you to explore the specific areas of your life where you long to experience more abundance.

You’ll discover where the major misalignment lies, and what’s standing in the way of your abundant life and you’ll learn how full, integrative breathing can help resolve these issues.

Throughout Judith’s guided breathing exercise, you’ll learn about and use the correct muscles to breathe and bring the breath and life forcefully into your body.

Along the way, you’ll welcome a greater sense of grounding, focus, lower body health, and personal power.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The many areas of abundance and choose the area you’d like to experience more abundance in
  • How any area of lack comes into your experience
  • Ways to fully bring the life force into the body and the resulting benefits that occur on every level of your being
  • How changing your breathing pattern changes your life
  • How expanded breathing increases your capacity for receiving good
  • Which muscles to use to breathe correctly and begin to fully open the respiratory system

Module 2: Levels of Mind Addressing the Subconscious to Change Your Life One Breath at a Time

In this module, Judith will introduce you to the levels of the mind how they work and affect your thinking, and how you can use them to create your desired experiences...

Judith will also share the role, function, and power of the subconscious mind.

She’ll explain how we become programmed around our beliefs about abundance and self-worth through media, religion, parents, education, and global consciousness.

You’ll learn the importance of addressing and clearing the negativity in your subconscious. As you’ll discover, your thoughts and emotions from the lower subconscious block your connection to your superconscious and your connection with Source Energy.

You’ll learn about the law of entrainment and how breathing can create an opening for you to access and integrate repressed emotions. Judith will explain how this opening can happen on every level physically, mentally, and emotionally, and Spiritually.

You’ll begin to use affirmations with conscious connected breathing to reprogram old beliefs in the subconscious about receiving, worthiness, and abundance.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover why most of your experiences originate in the subconscious
  • Explore the power of the subconscious and how the subconscious patterns shut down your breathing
  • Begin to experience how integrative breathing can permanently resolve subconscious beliefs and feelings
  • Use a new tool to access the subconscious and create permanent vibrational changes
  • Work consciously with stress, fears, and anxiety
  • Feel the power of affirmations as they directly access your subconscious

Module 3: Vibrational Frequency & the Law of Attraction

Your breath is the key to mastering the electronic forces of the Universe...

You are what you think and feel it’s what creates each experience in your life.

In this module, Judith will share how science and religion meet in Quantum physics to prove everything is energy vibrating at different rates. We all send out a vibration to the Universe through thoughts and feelings, and they return the same.

Judith will explain vibrational frequency states, and demonstrate how to easily raise your vibration, and share how conscious connected open breathing raises your vibrational state.

You’ll learn how to keep your vibration high with awareness and guided, conscious connected breathing and become a magnet to attract good things in your life.

You’ll begin to work consciously with the Law of Attraction, manifesting what you want, instead of focusing on what you don’t want. You’ll work with the combined power of Intention and Attention, bringing it into your life during breathing sessions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies and explore how your vibration affects your life
  • Study your various emotions to determine their vibrational frequencies
  • Breathe to raise your vibration and expand awareness
  • Experience an extremely powerful exercise to change your vibrational frequency
  • Learn a special Unconditional Love Mantra to produce instant transformation, inside and out

Module 4: Sacred Sound With the Breath

Everything is sound resonance. We are sound, and our sounds can lift and heal.

In this module, Judith will guide you to explore the power of combining sound with breath and how it creates instant and powerful transformation.

You’ll explore how sounds can tune up and heal your energy centers.

Some say sounding is the language of Angels.

You will also experience how sound can immediately integrate and raise vibrational frequency. We will experience powerful sound exercises and combine sound with our breathing.

Plus, Judith will welcome a guest Master of Sound, UnmanijiandTheLEELAS. Unmaniji is known for singing her original songs, mantras, chants, and Sacred Prayers into the hearts of spiritual friends on the path. (The Leelas are the sacred instruments that accompany Unmaniji’s beautiful voice.)

Unmaniji will guide you through an interdimensional experience using your own sounds.

In this module, you’ll :

  • Learn how to tune up your energy centers with Sound
  • Experience the frequencies of pure sound
  • Combine sound with breathing using sound as yet another way to create integration and higher vibrational states
  • Experience sound exercises to eliminate pain and stress

Module 5: Universal Laws of Manifestation & the Magic of Satisfaction

When you breathe you ignite the vibration of Joy in your cells and DNA...

Satisfaction is defined as a very high state of fulfillment, joy, and happiness.

In this module, Judith will explain how you can use metaphysical principles to experience expanded abundance. The Law of Giving and Receiving keeps the flow moving by giving and receiving the most precious gifts the caring, affection, appreciation, and love you can receive on every level.

She’ll guide you to explore ways to experience satisfaction and begin creating a satisfying life using a simple effective exercise to connect to and create inner states of full satisfaction.

Our minds set parameters and expectation levels for our lives, around everything and when they’re not met, we feel dissatisfied. This creates a low vibrational state and magnetizes undesirable results.

Unfortunately, we tend to look for fulfillment and satisfaction outside of ourselves jobs, relationships, families, material possessions, fame, and money. Yet, finding satisfaction is actually a choice.

Meanwhile, the Law of Gratitude shows us that a thankful attitude expresses gratitude for anything a person receives and opens the heart to receive even more.

Judith will explore what’s happening energetically when you give and the different ways to give physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

As you’ll discover, once you understand The Law of Gratitude, it’s easy to embrace and work with the energetic principles of being grateful.

You’ll learn how to cultivate the grateful heart, shifting losses to appreciation and embracing life’s changes. You’ll experience how the essence of true gratitude is finding deeper self-appreciation.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the dynamics of giving what it creates, and what you can give on every level
  • Learn simple ways to live in gratitude and create more satisfaction in your life
  • Understand the deeper principles of cause and effect and the value of feeling satisfied in your life
  • Explore what the attitude of gratitude gives you
  • Be guided through My Giving Heart, a breathing practice to open and bring life-force energy into the heart center
  • Experience the connection between inner satisfaction and happiness

Module 6: Higher & Higher With Grace & Miracle Consciousness

Breath is your gateway to dimensions of higher consciousness...

Miracle consciousness provides the opportunity to see everything from a spiritual perception of perfection. It can shape your life and even change your physical reality.

While human perception is limited to the physical senses, the laws of cause and manifestation show how everything in the physical dimension is created. Meanwhile, the Law of Grace is the highest law we are given.

In this module, Judith will explain how all these laws and principles work together and how to apply them to all parts of your life to manifest what you really want to create in your truly abundant life.

You’ll learn how to tap into all these gifts by refining your understanding and accessing higher awareness with your breathing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Recognize what each level of perception creates
  • Understand how you can become a manifester of miracles
  • See the path of creation unfold in the physical world
  • Become aware of all the grace in your life
  • Experience Higher Chakra Breathing to activate the miracle consciousness in your DNA
  • Be guided through a Higher Center breathing exercise to find grace in each moment and open the centers of your vision and higher will

Module 7: Moving Forward Into Breathful & Abundant Living

There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there’s another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.

As your journey through this course concludes, you’ll have the tools and resources to create a fully abundant life.

In this closing module, Judith will celebrate with you and your fellow participants, bring all you’ve learned together into a powerful closing lesson, and share how you can integrate this work into your daily life permanently.

You’ll learn how to become a positivity magnet, discover why going beyond the world’s outer appearances is genius, and explore how an open, flowing breathing pattern puts you in the flow of life.

You’ll have the opportunity to perform a self-evaluation on the expansion of the breath and abundance in your life.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Explore outcomes and progress in your breathing techniques and the new areas of abundance you’ve discovered
  • Celebrate the changes in your breath and manifestations of good you’ve experienced
  • Learn a 5-step plan to continue experiencing greater abundance on every level
  • Begin a life-changing My Abundant Life meditation, exercise, and process
  • Participate in a longer breathing experience to open to higher awareness and connect with Source energy
  • Enjoy an expanded mantra for unconditional love
  • Receive homework and powerful resources so you can continue your journey long after this course concludes

The Breathe Into Abundance Bonus Collection

In addition to Judith’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Into the Breath
Full-Length Film by Niklas Schrimpf Featuring Dr. Judith Kravitz

This 90-minute film by Niklas Schrimpf (featuring Dr. Judith Kravitz) includes compelling insights, step-by-step guidance, professional testimonies, and success stories. It cultivates a deep understanding of why integrative breathwork is so powerful and life-changing. Judith’s work is featured in sessions and as a bonus, including a discussion of Miracle Consciousness and a 5-minute breathing exercise.

Breathing Analysis
Video Workshop From Judith Kravitz

Working with the breath means using your awareness to find yourself. Transformational Breath helps you transform your breathing patterns that create a picture of how you live your life. This teaching from Judith examines the Breathing Analysis, one of the most innovative and scientific tools in Transformational Breath. It helps practitioners understand that when they restrict their breathing, they’re repressing their emotional responses and their lives. When the respiratory system is completely open, it creates a more expansive life experience.

My Breath, My Life
Guided Audio Practice From Judith Kravitz

Follow along with this gentle, loving breathing meditation from Judith. It reinforces the essential importance of your breath and how it adds to the quality and potential of your life. Use it as a daily breath and meditation practice to enrich yourself on all levels.

Breathe & Live Abundantly: How to Transform Subconscious Blocks With Intentional Breathing
PDF Chart From Judith Kravitz

With connected breathing practice, you have a direct opening to the subconscious. You’ll have easier access to affirmations (powerful positive words), accepting them at the subconscious level. This chart from Judith includes useful affirmations that bring more abundance and acceptance into your life. Keep it handy or frame it for easy access and daily use.

What People Are Saying About Judith Kravitz...

“I experienced love, joy, and harmony that I’d never felt before, and finally found what it was like to be in my body.”

Transformational Breath has been a positive influence in my life. I’ve had to “manage” fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, TMJ, mitral valve prolapse, PTSD, sleep apnea, endometriosis, and hypothyroid for years. Doctors gave me all kinds of drugs and told me I couldn’t live without them. In deep depression, I came across Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly, and went to one of Judith’s workshops. I experienced love, joy, and harmony that I’d never felt before, and finally found what it was like to be in my body. Today, except for thyroid, I’m free of medications.
Jamie, Idaho

“I credit Transformational Breath with saving my life by getting me in touch with my will to live during a dark period in my life.”

I credit Transformational Breath with saving my life by getting me in touch with my will to live during a dark period in my life. I released lots of negative thinking patterns, received clarity in my life’s purpose, relief from long held grievances, and received my intention to move into a life of joy, beauty and the sacred feminine.
Alana Rose, Hawaii

“I am more in the present moment, have an incredible calm center and have moments of spontaneous joy that come from a different place.”

I am more in the present moment, have an incredible calm center and have moments of spontaneous joy that come from a different place. Not much stresses me at work anymore and I found myself noticing people’s spiritual essence beyond their personalities, which gives me more compassion for others. I know I will use this gift the rest of my life and am excited to see where it takes me!
Diane Lang, New Mexico

“This may well be the most powerful technique available on Earth towards the experience of wholeness, peace, and harmony.”

As a medical doctor, I started with a healthy critical approach to this work. Now, with years of solid experience as a facilitator and senior trainer, the simplicity of this work never ceases to amaze me in how profound and consistent the effects are and what it brings to the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of those choosing to work with it. This may well be the most powerful technique available on Earth towards the experience of wholeness, peace and harmony.
Nadja, MD, the Netherlands

“Judith was great!”

Judith was great! It was really helpful, energetic, and enlivening to discover places that I was and wasn’t breathing. With her gentle guidance I was able to breathe into and out of my heart.
Andrea Eagles, Concord, Massachusetts

“What I experienced in this workshop is truly miraculous.”

I have always maintained a presence outside of my body and have never really felt grounded. I would breathe into my chest, not my abdomen. Just didn’t know how to do it. This was the first time I have ever felt whole, connected and grounded. What I experienced in this workshop is truly miraculous. I have come home!!
Peter Korkosz, Lexington, Massachusetts

“I have observed that practicing Transformational Breath allows many people easier access to comparable deep meditative states...”

For 10 years I practiced the highest techniques of Pranayama meditation as a monastic disciple in a Yogic order. My introduction to Transformational Breath opened me to an emotional dimension of being that pranayama did not address. As a facilitator and trainer, I have observed that practicing Transformational Breath allows many people easier access to comparable deep meditative states when they have had a difficult time with formal meditation practices.
Christian, California

“... Transformational Breath inspires me to be a more vibrant being.”

Transformational Breath inspires me to be a more vibrant being. Every layer of life’s challenging experiences that I integrate with Transformational Breath frees more and more life energy for me to create and play with.
Kathy, New Jersey

“... Transformational Breath self-sessions healed me and saved my life.”

All the therapy treatments didn’t cure the cancer, but the intensive Transformational Breath self-sessions healed me and saved my life. I thank God and you every day.
Lily Hung, California

“For the courageous soul, an incredible opportunity to take great spiritual leaps toward Super Consciousness.”

Kelly Doyle, LCMHC

“Working with Judith has reinvigorated my marriage of 50 years and given me and my husband renewed purpose in life.”

Wendy Portnuff, California

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Judith Kravitz

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of Transformational Breath Judith Kravitz, founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific transformational breathing practices to gain spiritual tools and breathe in abundance to activate the Law of Attraction transforming your self-imposed limitations, catalyzing your intention, restoring inner balance, and opening yourself to the infinite possibilities your life will hold.

Please note that during the breathing exercise portion of class in the live course, Judith takes great care to watch participants breathing and gives direct guidance to individuals throughout class. You will hear her call out participant’s names and offer feedback to help guide their breathing process. You will not see the participants and their breathing pattern in the recording, but you can still listen to Judith’s voice and apply it to your own breathing practice. Some of Judith’s corrections and guidance may not apply to you, but we encourage you to take what is applicable to you and leave the rest!

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Breathe Into Abundance Bonus Collection
  • Into the Breath
    Full-Length Film by Niklas Schrimpf Featuring Dr. Judith Kravitz
  • Breathing Analysis
    Video Workshop From Judith Kravitz
  • My Breath, My Life
    Guided Audio Practice From Judith Kravitz
  • Breathe & Live Abundantly: How to Transform Subconscious Blocks With Intentional Breathing
    PDF Chart From Judith Kravitz

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Breathe Into Abundance Online Training

We feel honored that Judith Kravitz has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of Transformational Breath and founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about experiencing transformational breathing practices to gain spiritual tools and breathe in abundance to activate the Law of Attraction transforming your self-imposed limitations, catalyzing your intention, restoring inner balance, and opening yourself to the infinite possibilities your life will hold, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Breathe Into Abundance or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Dr. Judith Kravitz...

“I can see how Transformational Breath could benefit everyone.”

Norman Lear, TV producer

"I use Transformational Breathing to manage stress."

Goldie Hawn, actress

“Judith Kravitz is the most impressive teacher for breathwork I have ever encountered in both the East and the West.”

Judith Kravitz is the most impressive teacher for breathwork I have ever encountered in both the East and the West. Her techniques have the power to lead one to have a direct experience of liberation on many levels. You may call it a shortcut to enlightenment.
Rinpoche Tulku Thubten, one of the resident Lamas at Pema Osel Ling

“This may well be the most powerful technique available on Earth towards the experience of wholeness, peace, and harmony.”

As a medical doctor, I started with a healthy critical approach to this work. Now, with years of solid experience as a facilitator and senior trainer, the simplicity of this work never ceases to amaze me in how profound and consistent the effects are and what it brings to the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of those choosing to work with it. This may well be the most powerful technique available on Earth towards the experience of wholeness, peace and harmony.
Nadja, MD, the Netherlands

About Dr. Judith Kravitz

Dr. Judith Kravitz, doctor of metaphysics, ordained minister, and author of the book Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly, has worked extensively with the breath as an agent of transformation and healing since the mid-1970s. She has helped hundreds of thousands of people in group and individual sessions, and trained thousands of breath facilitators and trainers. In 1994, she founded the Transformational Breath Foundation and its training programs, and still serves as its executive director.

Judith, who has taught at the college level, has appeared on 50+ television and radio programs. Her breathwork has reached 53 countries, and she’s led trainings, workshops, clinics, and master classes at healing centers and conferences around the world, including The Deepak Chopra Center, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Rowe Conference Center, New York Open Center, Omega Institute, Hippocrates Institute, Optimum Health Institute, the Global Inspiration Conference, The LifeCo, and many others.

In addition to her primary focus of Transformational Breath®, she has facilitated A Course in Miracles groups, inner sensitivity classes, children’s yoga, and women’s empowerment groups. Her approach to the subject of healing is spiritual, professional, loving, and dynamic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
