With Director of Experience & Engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Kerstin Sjoquist, MA
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience a powerful manifestation technique designed to help you step into your greatest purpose, live a life of passion, and turn your deepest desires into reality.

Uncover effective strategies for eliminating mental and emotional roadblocks, fostering smoother and faster progress in your personal and professional lives.


Many of us struggle to live our daily lives in alignment with the desires of our hearts.

We may find ourselves trapped in a cycle of unfulfilled potential, feeling stuck and uncertain of how to bridge the gap between where we are and where we truly want to be.

Yet imagine being able to easily align your inner wisdom with your external actions, each step you take being infused with purpose and clarity...

... a life where your intuition and conscious awareness are not just abstract concepts but powerful tools you employ daily to help shape your destiny.

Kerstin Sjoquist, MA, director of experience and engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and Nina Fry-Kizler, MA, senior designer of experiential programs at IONS, share that this is a very achievable reality.

The key lies in learning to harness your innate intuitive abilities those abilities that are intricately linked to your consciousness and awareness.

They allow you to tap into a realm of information and energy that extends beyond the conventional five senses and transcends the boundaries of space and time.

These abilities become a driving force that propels you toward even your most ambitious goals and aspirations.

Join Kerstin and Nina for a 7-module course in which they’ll guide you to intentionally manifest your desires into reality by energizing what they call your “Moonshot.”

Your Moonshot is your passion, fully expressed. It can be a big, audacious dream or a small, everyday goal. You don’t even need to know what your Moonshot is.

You’ll learn Kerstin’s and Nina’s proprietary manifestation process, The Possibility Accelerator Formula. It consists of three components Reveal, Imagine, and Ignite giving you a repeatable, customizable system...

... that you can use to manifest your Moonshot into reality for the rest of your life.

You’ll gain an abundant toolkit of practices for each of the Reveal, Imagine, and Ignite processes...

... and initiate an energetic “call” to begin assembling your Moonshot team and create accountability allies who help you identify strengths and address challenges within a safe and supportive community of peers.

Kerstin brings a wealth of experience in manifesting techniques and hypnotherapy, combining psycho-spiritual practices with practical tools for consciousness expansion.

Nina, with her extensive background in mind-body medicine and holistic health education, excels in translating complex scientific research into accessible, experiential learning.

They’ll call on their decades of teaching and wisdom to mentor you as you develop and refine your manifesting skills...

... and they’ll help equip you with a versatile framework that can be applied to all of your future Moonshots in the years to come.

Their framework is a potent way for you to work outside of space and time to gain clarity about your purpose and deliberately craft your most expansive and fulfilling life.


During this empowering course, you’ll:

  • Discover how to harness the power of your consciousness and awareness to access information and energy beyond the conventional senses
  • Practice using the Reveal process to gain intuitive insights and clarity, enhancing your problem-solving and innovative thinking
  • Explore the scientific foundations of channeling and Reveal experiences, validating their real-world impact beyond cognitive processes
  • Master the Imagine component to focus your intention and use neuroplasticity for manifesting your vision and overcoming resistance to change
  • Learn the science behind human intention and its influence on physical reality, expanding your understanding of mind-body connections
  • Examine the concept of your personal Noetic Signature™ and its role in supporting your Moonshot
  • Combine traditional goal-setting with the Reveal and Imagine practices in the Ignite process, fueling your Moonshot vision with a strategic and holistic approach
  • Create a personalized Ignite plan, integrating all of the Possibility Accelerator Formula components for a surefire path to achieving your dreams
  • Engage in community-building and accountability practices, recognizing their essential role in individual and collective transformation
  • And much more...

With Kerstin and Nina as your trusted guides, learn a wealth of practices to get unstuck and propel your vision to new heights. By the end of this course, you’ll be grateful to discover what a powerful manifestor you really are!

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational course, Kerstin and Nina will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully enable the manifestation of your deepest desires into reality through a blend of scientific understanding and strategic action.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Kerstin and Nina. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to effectively tap into and utilize your consciousness and intuition to manifest your deepest desires.

Module 1: Unearth Your Inner Vision to Realize Your Deepest Desires With the Possibility Accelerator Formula


Everyone possesses the ability to tap into a realm of information and energy that extends beyond the conventional five senses and transcends the boundaries of space and time.

This ability is intricately linked to our consciousness and awareness, which are powerful forces in shaping our reality.

Access this heightened awareness and utilize the information it provides, which are pivotal in realizing a vision, dream, or significant transformation what Kerstin and Nina call your “Moonshot.”

Explore the Possibility Accelerator Formula, a simple yet effective framework that can serve as a catalyst for manifesting your deepest desires into physical reality.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the essential elements of the Possibility Accelerator Formula Reveal, Imagine, and Ignite and understand their synergistic role in driving change and transformation
  • Explore the integration of inner resources with logical and rational faculties, harnessing the entirety of your being to actualize dreams
  • Gain insight into the IONS Guiding Hypothesis, forming the scientific foundation of the formula
  • Begin to explore your unique Moonshot or goal
  • Discover the concept of your personal Noetic Signature and its role in supporting your Moonshot
  • Encounter a diverse range of tools and methodologies employed within Kerstin and Nina’s manifesting framework

Module 2: Master the Reveal Process for Clearer Vision & Enhancing Your Problem-Solving Capabilities


Explore the Reveal component of the Possibility Accelerator Formula, a critical aspect that taps into the power of receptive attention to manifest your vision.

This process transcends the traditional boundaries of time and space, reaching beyond the capacities of your logical mind and five physical senses.

You’ll learn to harness information that is often inaccessible, providing a unique and powerful boost to your Moonshot.

This not only aids in bringing clarity and direction to your vision but also plays a vital role in enhancing your problem-solving capabilities.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover methods to explore your daily experiences and understand how you naturally connect with information and energy beyond the five senses
  • Learn to anticipate and prepare for receiving spontaneous information
  • Investigate your personal history to discover insights and identify practices that enhance your ability to Reveal hidden information and energy
  • Identify and understand your unique patterns of receiving energy and information, and see how these are reflected in your Noetic Signature
  • Engage in various practices designed to nurture the Reveal process, thereby broadening the scope of your inner resources and intuitive abilities

Module 3: Learn the Science Behind Channeling for Deeper Intuitive Insights


Guest lecturer and IONS Director of Research Dr. Helané Wahbeh uses “channeling” as an umbrella term to cover a broad spectrum of experiences involving Reveal processes...

... such as receiving information and energy from beyond space and time.

Many people have intuitive hunches, precognitive dreams, and gut feelings that successfully guide them to unexpected positive outcomes.

Research demonstrates that these experiences are common and can range from intuition and gut feelings to phenomena like trance channeling and mediumship.

Dr. Wahbeh will cover scientific and anecdotal evidence that shows Reveal experiences are real rather than figments of the imagination or some other cognitive process.

Key insights will be shared from the multiphase research on the Noetic Signature and the IONS Channeling Research Program, providing a grounded, evidence-based perspective on these phenomena.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn what is known about Reveal experiences from a scientific perspective
  • Understand how the theory of an interconnected universe supports the idea of receiving information from beyond space and time
  • Discover how common Reveal experiences are
  • Explore data supporting that most of these experiences do not indicate a mental health issue
  • Expand on your repertoire of Reveal practices

Module 4: Harness Imagination & Neuroplasticity to Manifest Your Vision Into Reality


Focus on the Imagine component of the Possibility Accelerator Formula.

The essence of Imagine practices lies in harnessing the power of intention directing your focus toward a specific goal, objective, or desired outcome.

These practices and tools are designed to enhance the probability of achieving your desired transformation or dream.

They encourage a comfort with new ideas, visions, and perceptions of yourself and the world.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Understand the direct impact of mental processes on the physical brain and body, bridging the gap between thought and physical reality
  • Explore the concept of neuroplasticity, learning how it can aid in overcoming the natural resistance to change
  • Experiment with various Imagine tools and practices, finding those that resonate with your unique Noetic Signature and helping realize your Moonshot

Module 5: Discover Scientific Evidence for Amplifying the Impact of Your Intention on Your Physical Reality


Discover the capabilities of human intention, awareness, and consciousness to influence the physical world.

Grounded in credible scientific research, this module explores various phenomena ranging from psychokinesis and the power of prayer to mind-body medicine.

Special guest lecturer Dean Radin, PhD, IONS chief scientist, will guide you through an extensive array of scientific studies and findings that underscore the significant effect of intention on physical reality.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Acquire knowledge about the scientific understanding and evidence supporting the effects of Imagine (intention-focused) experiences on physical reality
  • Enhance your existing skill set with additional Imagine practices
  • Gain insight into the boundaries and potential of intention’s power
  • Explore the relationship between human consciousness, food, and mood, understanding how these elements interact and influence each other

Module 6: Take Action to Launch Your Moonshot & Consciously Create Your Future


Engage with the Ignite component of the Possibility Accelerator Formula.

Ignite processes blend traditional goal-setting and action methodologies with the Reveal and Imagine practices. This approach is like rocket fuel, propelling your vision to new heights.

By acknowledging our interconnectedness and tapping into a realm of information and energy that surpasses the limitations of space and time, you set the stage for accelerated success.

The integration of your logical, rational, and intuitive selves helps you overcome obstacles and locate the necessary resources and support to actualize your dream.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how to enhance traditional change and transformation strategies with Reveal and Imagine practices, further refining your Moonshot vision
  • Explore the Stages of Change model, a non-linear perspective on transformation, and identify where your Moonshot is within this framework
  • Recognize the vital role of community in both individual and collective transformation
  • Initiate an energetic “call” to start assembling your Moonshot team
  • Forge accountability allies, focusing on identifying strengths and addressing challenges

Module 7: Craft Your Personalized Ignite Process for Sustained Moonshot Success


Integrate all the elements of the Possibility Accelerator Formula Reveal, Imagine, and Ignite to create a comprehensive, personalized plan tailored to propel your unique Moonshot into action.

This session is not just about immediate goals but also about equipping you with a versatile framework that can be applied to all your future Moonshots in the years to come.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Design your own Ignite process, gaining insights into how it can evolve and adapt over time
  • Revisit and refine your Moonshot vision, incorporating new perspectives and learnings
  • Strategize the subsequent steps of your journey, setting a clear path forward
  • Take time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress and successes you have achieved so far!


The Science-Based Process of Manifesting Your Dreams Bonus

In addition to Kerstin and Nina’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Possibility Accelerator Mission Guide
Ebook From the Institute of Noetic Sciences

This 50-page PDF Mission Guide focuses on the concept of a “Moonshot,” an ambitious effort to achieve the seemingly impossible. This guide is your compass in using the Possibility Accelerator Formula as a powerful tool to pave the way toward an inspiring and innovative future. Crafted to be both engaging and interactive, the Mission Guide invites you to clarify and embrace your unique Moonshot vision. Originally conceived for our Possibility Accelerator conference, this enhanced version is enriched with hands-on practices, underpinned by scientific references, and crafted to ignite your sense of discovery and adventure.


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What People Are Saying About Kerstin Sjoquist and Nina Fry-Kizler...

“I thought the course was brilliant.”

I thought the course was brilliant. The curriculum was beautiful. The organization was elegant and accessible. The variety of activities and experiences provided a wealth of information that came from a variety of kinds of communication. The teachers were able to guide in a thoughtful, kind, and insightful way. They taught but they also led.
Sara Horner

“You are in your flow and I love it when people are not afraid to shine and be their true authentic selves.”

I wanted to see if by aligning with the community I could enhance my wellbeing, self-awareness, and connection to All That Is. Simultaneously, I wanted the structure and pragmatics of a tangible program to help me realize my potential and move me along. The structure was easy to follow and engage in. You love what you do and it shows. You are in your flow and I love it when people are not afraid to shine and be their true authentic selves.
Jac Cumming

“Kerstin and Nina are simply wonderful: highly intelligent, passionate, genuine, focused on helping people and the world.”

Kerstin and Nina are simply wonderful: highly intelligent, passionate, genuine, focused on helping people and the world. The course is very well structured, and I learned a lot. I personally felt very connected to Kirsten! It has been a heartwarming experience on all levels!
Oriane Livingston

“The instructors were extremely knowledgeable and open-hearted to share information to help us succeed.”

The instructors were extremely knowledgeable and open-hearted to share information to help us succeed. The participants were equally vital in sharing their journey, which helped me even more. I loved the live sessions and the breakout sessions where I met amazing people.
Neyleen Khamisa

“A real boost to my psyche and hope for my heart in these stressful, mixed-up uncertain times.”

Every module offered valuable information, meaningful practices, and abundant resources. I really appreciated the enthusiasm, research, support, and accessibility from Kerstin and Nina every step of the way. The course was well-researched, positive, and meaningful. It offered hope and connection to an everyday ordinary person like myself, not just for PhD-brainiacs. A real boost to my psyche and hope for my heart in these stressful, mixed-up uncertain times.
Brittany Ellis


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Kerstin Sjoquist and Nina Fry-Kizler

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Director of Experience and Engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Kerstin Sjoquist and Senior Designer of Experiential Programs at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Nina Fry-Kizler from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to learn a manifestation technique that empowers you to embrace your purpose, ignite your passion, and bring your vision into reality.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Science-Based Process of Manifesting Your Dreams Bonus
  • Possibility Accelerator Mission Guide
    Ebook From the Institute of Noetic Sciences

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Science-Based Process of Manifesting Your Dreams


We feel honored that Director of Experience and Engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Kerstin Sjoquist and Senior Designer of Experiential Programs at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Nina Fry-Kizler have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from experts whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about manifesting your goals with the help of scientific insights and intentional planning, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.



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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Science-Based Process of Manifesting Your Dreams or don’t feel that it meets your needs step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Kerstin Sjoquist and Nina Fry-Kizler...

“This has been a life-changing process for my personal stage of development and it has grown my courage to be the master of my own destiny.”

The course allowed me to tap into myself and find an additional layer of trust and recognition in my own resources and it guided me to explore my inner horizons. This has been a life-changing process for my personal stage of development and it has grown my courage to be the master of my own destiny.
Rachael Atkinson

“IONS is making a wonderful contribution toward a new balance between science and spirituality.”

Judy Loken

“Thank you for a truly beneficial experience.”

What I liked about this course is, first of all, the team of facilitators. Kerstin and Nina have just the right combination of genuine enthusiasm, well-honed skills, and love for each other and their cohort of people taking the PAE.
Arthur D.

“I am grateful to be encouraged to tap into information beyond time and space, which I am certain exists.”

I loved learning about the “Noetic Signature” and practices for “Imagine and Reveal.” All new techniques for me, which I can see and feel have potential. In addition, I am grateful to be encouraged to tap into information beyond time and space, which I am certain exists. The webinars were excellent, including the aspect of relating to others on a similar journey. Very encouraging. I enjoyed the forum exchanges and found these helpful and affirming. Presenters were engaged, alive, and inspiring.

“I have become more hopeful that there are people who really care...”

I have become more hopeful that there are people who really care and that I am not the only one who has had experiences beyond the five!
Joan W.


About Kerstin Sjoquist, MA

Kerstin Sjoquist, MA, is the Director of Experience & Engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). A series of synchronous events led Kerstin to a staff position at the Institute in 2014. She now spends her days supporting the creation of IONS’ programmatic and workshop offerings as well as overseeing the organization’s marketing and communication endeavors. In recent years, Kerstin has produced and/or taught several workshop offerings for IONS, including:

  • The Possibility Accelerator Experience
  • Noetics 101: The Science and Experience of Interconnection
  • Conscious Aging From the Heart
  • Foundations in Noetic Leadership

Kerstin began leading workshops focusing on manifesting techniques in the early 1990s. After completing a 250-hour certification process in 2001, she launched a successful private hypnotherapy practice. That same year Kerstin also founded Consciousness Arts, Inc. specializing in psychospiritual products and classes. She is the creator and producer of the Bliss Trips line of guided meditation journeys and numerous hypnotherapy products produced under her label, as well as white-labeled products for other organizations.

She volunteered for Women in Community Service, where she developed and led confidence-building and stress management workshops using visualization and guided imagery techniques for women transitioning from welfare to the workplace.

In a “parallel universe,” Kerstin embarked upon a career in the nascent web space in 1996. She developed and led a half-dozen classes at Stanford University as a lecturer in their continuing studies program. Kerstin holds a master’s degree in East-West Psychology from the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS).


About Nina Fry-Kizler, MA

Nina Fry-Kizler, MA, is Senior Designer of Experiential Programs at IONS. She worked for many years with the IONS Science team and continues to be a liaison between the Experience and Science departments, infusing leading-edge research into their experiential programs.

As a former professor at John F. Kennedy University in the Holistic Health Education Master’s Program for over a decade, Nina taught classes on the psychology and physiology of stress, the challenges of change/transformation, energy models of healing, and mind-body medicine. She was trained in the Mind-Body Medicine Professional Training program at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and as a birth doula through Doulas of North America.

In her work at IONS, Nina has developed curriculum and assets, and facilitated, managed, and taught courses such as:

  • The Possibility Accelerator Experience
  • Noetics 101: The Science and Experience of Interconnection
  • Edgar Mitchell Overview Effect Virtual Reality Experience
  • Conscious Aging
  • Foundations in Noetic Leadership
  • The Science of Channeling
  • Mindful Motherhood
  • iRest (Integrative Restoration) for Older Adults
  • Worldview Explorations

Nina has extensive experience in course development and delivery from her time as a professor and at IONS. She absolutely loves working with the concept of the Living Classroom and believes that we all have wisdom and insight, which, if shared, can create a beautifully rich learning environment.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form, and we’ll get right back to you.
