With Medical Anthropologist & Founder of the Four Winds Society and the
Light Body School
Dr. Alberto Villoldo

7-Module On-Demand Course With 4 Live Q&As Starts
Monday, May 27, 2024

Integrate ancient Indigenous wisdom with leading-edge neuroscience to grow a new body, heal your soul, improve your health, and increase longevity all through consciously choosing your genetic destiny.

Be initiated into neuro-shamanism by a renowned medical anthropologist adept at modern and ancient paths of healing and illumination.


How much time do you spend wrestling with the realities of aging? 

Probably too much, says renowned medical anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo, who shares that we hold within our DNA a map for longevity one that can actually help us grow a new body that ages differently.

Our true divine design, Alberto offers, holds the potential for a continuous upgrading of our health “youthing” instead of aging and for expanding our innate radiance, rather than experiencing a steady breakdown of our bodies and minds.

Modern science supports this idea through research that reveals how we don’t actually have a death program in our DNA. All of this attests to what the shamans knew 5,000 years ago...

We can switch on the genes that create health, silence the ones that create disease, and choose our genetic destiny.

During this course with Alberto, you’ll learn how ancient technologies converge with today’s science on longevity and how both can be applied to transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way we live and die.

Alberto is living proof. Trekking through the Amazon and Andes for more than 25 years, he was initiated into ancient shamanic energy medicine practices. 

Later, he became gravely ill and was healed by an Inka medicine man who removed toxins energetically from Alberto’s body through the Illumination Process. 

During this course, you too will learn about this process that shamans use to create health!

A second brush with death occurred after a severe parasitic infection a byproduct of living in the jungle. This time, Alberto hacked into his own DNA and restarted the codes that helped him grow his brain and repair his body another process that he will share with you. 

This course offers a rite of passage into Alberto’s shamanic lineage and a pathway for the emergence of the neuro-shaman within you…

one who knows how to transform pain and suffering into sources of strength and compassion by dreaming life and health into being, and harnessing the wisdom of ancient Indigenous practices and modern neuroscience.

Along with exploring how energy medicine and its Earth-based tools can be used to extract mental, emotional, and physical toxins and balance the health of your body…

you’ll also receive sacred rites that connect you to a lineage of healers forward and backward in time and to the preservation of the Earth in a deeper way.


During this course, you’ll:

  • Learn the fundamental wisdom, principles, and traditions of Andean shamanism
  • Explore how disease manifests when we are in disharmony with nature, and how to grow a new body that ages and dies differently 
  • Open and expand your wiracocha (your eighth chakra), where all spiritual energy comes into your system, to step outside of ordinary time and connect more deeply to Source
  • Bring your chakras into balance through the Illumination Process, the core healing practice of shamanic energy medicine
  • Receive the Rite of the Pampamesayok connecting you to a lineage of healers, and the Earthkeepers Rite to accept stewardship for all life on Earth
  • Recognize the 5 realms of the Upper World and call in the Four Directions and the powers of nature to clear your energy field during guided experiences 
  • Examine how you can reselect your genetic destiny (epigenetics) and why you are the product of not only your genes, but also your dreams
  • Discover the Luminous Energy Field, an information field that informs the physical, mental, and emotional body and organizes health, love, money, and more
  • Discern how intrusive energies become embedded in your body, how they can manifest in physical disease, and the tools shamans use to extract them
  • Understand the different territories we go through after the physical body dies
  • Experience ceremony and ritual, including a fire ceremony to release negative energies, as part of the Illumination Process

In shamanic energy medicine, the wiracocha the eighth chakra and our direct connection with Source is the portal through which we receive our energetic sustenance.

This is referred to by Andean shamans as the Luminous Energy Field, which organizes our health, love, money, and more.

Alberto teaches that when we know we’re designed for longevity, our lives become less about living and dying and more about how we can get out of this world alive.

You’ll be guided into the five realms of the Upper World and explore the different territories we go through after the physical body dies.

If you’re interested in exploring where shamanic energy medicine and modern science meet to elevate your quality of life and capacity for longevity, join us for what is sure to be a life-altering course.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Pre-Recorded Sessions and 4 Live Q&A’s

In this 11-part transformational intensive, Alberto will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to integrate ancient Indigenous technologies with leading-edge neuroscience to elevate your life experience, expand your capacity for longevity, and choose your genetic destiny.

Stream at Your Convenience


You’ll experience Alberto's teachings through streaming video via any connected device. You do not need Zoom to access the 7 pre-recorded modules as these sessions will be available after 9:00am Pacific on the release dates. To play the modules online, you can stream the video recordings on the course homepage to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience. The four live Q&A sessions will take place on Zoom.

Q&A Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific

This course will feature seven pre-recorded video teachings and four live Q&A’s: two sessions led by Alberto, and two led by Martha Abbot. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles that can transform your body, heal your soul, and change the way you live and die.

Note: Course sessions will be released Mondays at 9:00am Pacific, and Q&A sessions are on Wednesday at 9:00am Pacific.

Module 1: Explore the History of Andean Shamanism & How to Create the Conditions for Health That Last Your Entire Life (May 27)


Shamanism is humanity’s most ancient wisdom tradition. Although there are several different shamanic practices, they all share a common knowledge about the workings of heaven and earth. 

This body of wisdom emerged over 50,000 years ago, when humanity took a great leap forward in knowledge. 

The fundamental principles of shamanism are that everything is made of light and all healing is done by spirit. Shamans heal by creating the conditions for health so the disease simply goes away. 

You’ll discover how shamanism is a feminine tradition, unlike Western traditions which are deeply masculine…

… and how shamanism can empower your health span to become equal to your lifespan by combining timeless teachings with modern science.

Today, shamans are able to integrate ancient wisdom with leading-edge neuroscience to provide a better description of how the Universe works. 

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Fundamental wisdom, principles, and traditions of Andean shamanism
  • Differences in how conventional physicians and shamans perceive and treat disease
  • How the Medicine Wheel creates a map for healing, and the power animals that relate to each direction 
  • How disease manifests when we are in disharmony with nature
  • The Four Directions and summon the powers of nature to clear your energy field during a guided experience using flower essence, spirit water, and a rattle

Module 2: Shift the Energy of Your Chakras in Your Luminous Energy Field to Maximize Physical & Psychological Health (June 3)


The Luminous Energy Field organizes your body’s health. Andean shamans place the eighth chakra, the wiracocha, above your head and outside your physical body in the Luminous Energy Field as a direct link to Source.

In this module, you’ll discover how your wiracocha wira meaning sacred and cocha meaning source signifies the part of you where you and Spirit are one. 

You’ll also learn about the energy systems in the physical body that run on fuels like food and oxygen and on a reservoir of living energy chakra energy that is in constant flux and motion. 

Alberto will share how the seven chakras in the body are created by the intersections of endocrine glands and nerve plexuses. The chakras work with your physical and psychological systems.

You’ll also be guided through an experience to open your wiracocha to step outside of ordinary time and expand your Luminous Energy Field.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Be introduced to the Luminous Energy Field, an information field that informs the physical, mental, emotional body and organizes health, love, money, and more
  • Learn how your endocrine glands and nerve plexuses create chakras 
  • Explore the nature of your wiracocha (your eighth chakra), where spiritual energy comes into your system, and how to expand it to step outside of ordinary time and connect more deeply to Source
  • Realize how your life history is stored in a chakra, and how to balance your chakras to come into a harmonious luminous energy field
  • A guided experience to open your wiracocha and balance the energy of your chakras

LIVE VIDEO Q&A #1 with Alberto (June 12)


In this special Q&A session, you’ll be able to engage with Alberto via Zoom to further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Alberto will also be looking forward to hearing about what you personally experienced while putting the principles and practices from the first part of the course into action


Module 3: Discover How the Illumination Process Creates Better Health & Removes Toxic Energies From Your Luminous Energy Field (June 17)


It has long been known that the electron has two states: a particle state and a wave or field state, depending on where the observer looks for it. 

The ancient shamans recognized this. They understood that although we are in a particle state, we also have a Luminous Energy Field. The physical body represents our particle state, while the field state transcends death to experience the oneness of everything. 

The quest of the shamans was to unshackle their consciousness out of the particle state to understand the workings of the field state.

In this module, you’ll be introduced to the core healing process of shamanic energy medicine, the Illumination Process. This process transforms toxic energies out of the field as shamans use their hands, rattles, and stones to create health. 

You’ll also learn how the shamans of old discovered how to expand the wiracocha around them and help their clients go into a deep state of consciousness and relaxation. 

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How shamans shift their consciousness between field and particle states to heal others, moving out of a physical state and into an infinite, transcendent state of oneness
  • How the shaman notion of non-linear time is supported by quantum physics, the science that reveals how everything is connected to everything else
  • The Illumination Process, the core healing practice of shamanic energy medicine
  • The difference between healing and curing
  • The importance of ethics and integrity in shamanic energy medicine and why it’s important to live from the virtues of the healer 
  • A guided experience of the Illumination Process to bring the chakras back into balance and brighten them again

Module 4: How to Grow a New Brain & Body to Evoke Your Ageless Health Through Nutrition, Love & Dreaming Your World Into Being (June 24)


Today we have the opportunity of combining the ancient wisdom of Indigenous peoples with Western medical science and leading-edge brain research. 

Science shows us we cannot change our genes, but we can change the expression of our genes. This is called epigenetics. 

In this module, you’ll learn how your genes are not the determinants of your destiny they are only 10% of your health destiny. 

The other 90% is what you eat, how you eat, when you eat, how you forgive, how you love, how you laugh, and how you dream your world into being.

Alberto will also share the prophecies of Homo Luminous, the radiant beings humans are evolving into, and how a new kind of shaman the neuro-shaman can help us get there.

And you’ll be guided through an exercise to consciously direct your breath, calm your nervous system, and enter a healing state.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The body’s 4 brains and how each perceives the world
  • How your thoughts, beliefs, and diet affect your brain and what to eat, how to eat, and how to keep your brain healthy
  • How to reselect your genetic destiny (epigenetics) and why you are not only the product of your genes, but can control their expression
  • The neuro-shaman, the new shaman for modern times 
  • How to grow a new body that ages and dies differently 
  • The 4/4/4 breathing exercise to consciously direct your breath and bridge consciousness and the unconscious to calm your nervous system and enter a healing state

LIVE VIDEO Q&A #2 with Martha (July 3)


In this special Q&A session, you’ll be able to engage with Martha Abbot via Zoom to further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Martha will also be looking forward to hearing about what you personally experienced while putting the principles and practices from the first half of the course into action


Module 5: Techniques for Extracting Negative Energies From Your Luminous Energy Field (July 8)


Not all the energies we experience within us belong to us. Shamans understand that there are intrusive energies that come from other people, both in the present and past. 

In this module, you’ll learn how intrusive energies primarily come from those we are close to in the form of anger, jealousy, or resentment and techniques for removing these toxic energies from the Luminous Energy Field.

Alberto will share why the Luminous Energy Field doesn’t recognize these harmful energies as foreign and thus allows them to penetrate your field and embed themselves in your body… 

… and how shamanic healers go into the field like psychic surgeons to find these negative energies, pull them out, and fill the areas with light.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What intrusive entities are and why they become attached to you
  • How shamans extract intrusive energies by finding and cutting energetic cords, intentional harmful energies, and negative past life energies in the energetic body and in spaces
  • How intrusive energies become embedded in your body, how they can manifest in physical disease, and which tools shamans use to extract them
  • How rattles, swords, and crystals are used in extractions
  • A fire ceremony to release negative energies (for this, please bring a candle and a small wooden stick)

LIVE VIDEO Q&A #3 with Martha (July 17)


In this special Q&A session, you’ll be able to engage with Martha Abbot via Zoom to further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Martha will also be looking forward to hearing about what you personally experienced while putting the principles and practices to this point of the course into action


Module 6: Shamanic Initiations to Connect With the Earth & a Lineage of Healers Forward & Backward in Time to Launch Your Healing Journey (July 22)


Shamanic traditions are lineage-based, connecting to a line of medicine men and women that go back to the very beginning of time. 

In this module, you’ll explore how you can connect to shamans in the past and also connect to and receive the initiations of shamans to come. 

The first level of shamanic initiation you’ll receive from Alberto awakens your own healing power and abilities, launching you on a journey of healing yourself and then the world around you. 

The second initiation connects you to a lineage of men and women dedicated to the stewardship of the earth, the Earthkeepers.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Receive the Rite of the Pampamesayok, connecting you to a lineage of healers
  • Learn the Shaman’s Agreement
  • Receive the Earthkeepers Rite and accept stewardship for all life on Earth 
  • Recognize what it means to live in a state of ayni, or right relationship

Module 7: How to Get Out of This World Alive Explore the Doorways Beyond Physical Existence to Ease Your Fear of Death (July 29)


The shamans discovered that life does not end when we die, but that death is simply a doorway beyond our physical existence. 

The great initiations of the shamanic tradition are a symbolic encounter with death and a journey to the beyond to learn the way ourselves. 

In this module, you’ll hear about the five realms of the Upper World that mirror our physical world, and visit them during a guided shamanic journey

The first world is that of the stone people, a mineral kingdom that is not a very desirable place for humans. 

The second is the world of the plant people, full of color and light. This is a perfectly pleasant place for a plant, but not for a human.

Alberto will also share the different stages we go through after the physical body dies.

During this final class, you’ll:

  • Learn how and why the shamans mapped the territories beyond death
  • Discover the different stages we go through after the physical body dies the territories of the stone/mineral people, plant people, animal kingdom, ancestral kingdom, and the realm of our becoming 
  • Recognize what you can do now to support this transition of yourself and others
  • Discern why selfless service is an important part of your evolution
  • Experience a guided shamanic journey into the 5 realms of the Upper World 

LIVE VIDEO Q&A #4 with Alberto (August 7)


In this special Q&A session, you’ll be able to engage with Alberto via Zoom to further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Alberto will also be looking forward to hearing about what you personally experienced while putting the principles and practices from the course into action



The Shamanic Energy Medicine Bonus Offering

In addition to Alberto’s transformative 11-part virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Teachings From the Earthkeeper Summit
Video Teachings on 5 Daily Shamanic Rituals by Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos

In this five-part series, you’ll come to understand your personal responsibility for your own healing and empowerment and how you can realize any dream. Rituals include connecting to nature and the invisible realm, activating the Luminous Energy Field, tuning into the elements, shamanic dreamwork, identifying ancient wounds that control our lives and releasing these through the shamanic practice of fire ceremony, and more.


Shaman, Healer, Sage
Video on the Story Behind Alberto Villoldo’s Book, Shaman, Healer, Sage

This compelling documentary follows Alberto’s transition from a successful career in modern medical science in the U.S. to studying the ancient energy medicine of the legendary Inka and Q’ero shamans of South America. His best-selling book, Shaman, Healer, Sage, serves as the foundation of this biographical documentary in which he shares his life’s work.


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What People Are Saying About Dr. Alberto Villoldo…

“Alberto has such a wonderful teaching style.”

I loved learning about the energy bands and how to protect ourselves from daily energies that are not in our best interest. Alberto has such a wonderful teaching style. I hope to be able to access the teachings again to continue to re-learn the lessons, until I can attend another course.
Terry Cichocki

“I sensed a real urgency for me (and the world) to ‘get it’.”

I just want to thank Alberto (and those who assist him, in any way) for making this information and ceremony available to the world. I sensed a real urgency for me (and the world) to “get it.”
Marcia McEwen

“Alberto’s loving and kind way of teaching and his attitude to his work changed a lot for me.”

Alberto’s loving and kind way of teaching and his attitude to his work changed a lot for me. I understand much more about shamanism now.
Petra Enguchu

“Yes, I learned the real way of becoming a shaman.”

I learned the real way of becoming a shaman. The science behind it and the spiritual aspect is beyond words. This course is very very helpful and I look forward to expanding my training, wisdom, and knowledge.
Letika Moore

“This kind of work is a blessing for all people and the whole creation, to heal the wounds of the past…”

This kind of work is a blessing for all people and the whole creation, to heal the wounds of the past, which is so necessary in this time.
Clemens Voll


Join the Global Community


Shamanic Energy Medicine offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice. 

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Dr. Alberto Villoldo will share in this powerful training. 

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Pre-recorded Video Sessions With Dr. Alberto Villoldo

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from medical anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo, founder of the Four Winds Society and the Light Body School, from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video that you can watch on-demand and will guide you to transform your body, heal your soul, and change the way you live and die through ancient Indigenous technologies and modern science. Course sessions are available on Mondays at 9:00am Pacific.

Four 60-Minute Live Video Q&A Sessions

You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in four hour-long live Q&As. You’ll be able to engage with and further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Rest assured, should you miss one of the live Q&A's, recordings will be available for replay within 48 hours via your Course Homepage. Q&As will take place on Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

Video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format on Mondays. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

Audio will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format on Mondays. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Shamanic Energy Medicine Bonus Collection
  • Teachings From the Earthkeeper Summit
    Video Teachings on 5 Daily Shamanic Rituals by Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos
  • Shaman, Healer, Sage
    Video on the Story Behind Alberto Villoldo’s Book, Shaman, Healer, Sage

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Shamanic Energy Medicine


We feel honored that Dr. Alberto Villoldo has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a medical anthropologist, founder of the Four Winds Society and the Light Body School, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about transforming your body and healing your soul through ancient Indigenous technologies and modern science, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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1 Payment of

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Shamanic Energy Medicine or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before June 12, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


About Dr. Alberto Villoldo

By his mid-20s, Alberto Villoldo was the youngest clinical professor at San Francisco State University. He was directing the Biological Self-Regulation Laboratory, investigating how energy medicine could change the chemistry of the brain. One day in his laboratory, Alberto realized that he was looking out of the wrong end of the microscope. He needed to find a system larger than the neural networks of the brain. Many others were already studying the hardware; Alberto wanted to learn to program the mind to create psychosomatic health.

Anthropological stories hinted that there were people around the globe who claimed to know such things, including the few remaining “shamans” in today’s modern world. So Alberto traded his laboratory for a pair of hiking boots and a ticket to the Amazon determined to learn from researchers whose vision had not been confined to the lens of a microscope, and from people whose body of knowledge encompassed more than the measurable, material world that he had been taught was the only reality. He wanted to meet the people who sensed the spaces between things and perceived the luminous strands that animate all life.

Scattered throughout the Andes and Amazon were a number of sages or “Earthkeepers” who remembered the ancient ways. Alberto traveled through countless villages and hamlets and met with scores of medicine men and women. The lack of a written body of knowledge meant that every village had brought its own flavor and style to the healing practices that still survived.

For more than 10 years, Alberto trained with the jungle medicine people. In healing his own soul wounds, Alberto walked the path of the wounded healer and learned to transform old pain, grief, anger and shame to sources of strength and compassion.

From the Amazon, Alberto trekked the coast of Peru, from Nazca, the site of gigantic markings on the desert floor that depict power animals and geometric figures, to the fabled Shimbe lagoons in the North, home to the country’s most renowned shamans. Then, in Lake Titicaca, the lake at the top of the world, Alberto collected the stories and healing practices of the people from which, the legends say, the Inka were born.

Through it all, Alberto discovered a set of technologies that transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way we live and the way we die. These ancient teachings explain that a Luminous Energy Field (LEF) surrounds us and acts as a matrix or blueprint that maintains the health and vibrancy of the physical body.

Alberto is founder of the world-renowned Four Winds Society and of the Light Body School. In his teachings and writings, he shares the experience of infinity and its ability to heal and transform us, to free us from the temporal chains that keep us fettered to illness, old age, and disease.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.


Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all Q&A sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is June 12, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
