A 7-week Transformational Journey
With Author and Teacher
Tom Pinkson
Virtual Audio Training
Recorded April June 2017

Apply Ancient Indigenous Practices and Shamanic Wisdom to Transform Your Later Years Into a Beautiful, Productive and Exhilarating Time of Life.

Access the Rejuvenating Power of Nature and Ritual to Embody a More Spirit-filled Quality of Life That’s Heart-based and Deeply Fulfilling.


Are you over 50 years old and find yourself thinking about how you can live the rest of your days in a way that brings you joy and adds love to the world?

Have you ever wondered if the story of your life has already been written... or if you can alter and reshape it according to your dreams and intentions?

Would you be surprised to discover that the secret to a brighter future may lie in the distant past?

That’s where you’ll find the Indigenous wisdom and shamanic practices that can help you thrive as you consciously and joyously enter your elder years.

By drawing on concepts and practices from Indigenous spirituality and shamanic belief systems bolstered by modern scientific research you can skillfully use them to grow into your fullest blossoming and the very best version of yourself.

This ancient wisdom can help you harmoniously align with the true nature of the universe and open the doorway to more meaningful and purposeful aging so you can hear what your soul is calling you to do in the last third of your life.

It all begins rather simply by shapeshifting your perspective on aging. In the shamanic sense, shapeshifting means shifting your experience of reality.

Is that really possible? You bet it is.

You see, there are two basic realities: objective reality and perceived reality. Objective reality includes whatever exists in material form. Perceived, or subjective, reality includes everything else.

In other words, they way you now view the world is not “just the way things are.” It’s actually the way you perceive things to be.

When you gain clarity about how you perceive the world, aging and life itself, you can choose to shift your perceptions, which then shifts and transforms your reality.

The implications of that statement are staggering. Simply by shifting the way you perceive yourself, your aging journey, and essentially any situation you find yourself in, you can change your reality.

That’s right, your reality. The rest of your life can become the best of your life as soon as you recognize that your perception of reality is uniquely your own.

By embracing the inherent power of this shamanic wisdom, you have a tremendous opportunity to transform your life in remarkable, beautiful and lasting ways.

The Power of Belief


Research shows that our beliefs about aging directly impact our longevity, vitality and enthusiastic engagement with life. Yet, as Wayne Dyer noted, a belief system is nothing more than a thought you’ve thought over and over again.

If you view your later years as a time of decline, marginalization or loneliness, that’s what you’ll tend to create for yourself...

And underlying messages in our culture reinforce the idea that once you reach retirement age, you no longer have a meaningful role to play...

So it’s understandable, as you get older, why you might start to feel irrelevant... or that your best days are behind you... or that the legacy you were meant to leave should already be in place. You may also find your passion waning and lose sight of a larger vision for the next stage of your life.

However, as Indigenous wisdom has taught us, your beliefs about aging can work both ways...

If you believe in an empowering “heart path” vision for your aging journey, one in which you’re centered in spiritual service and are approaching your later years as a time to contribute your greatest gifts and serve the deepest needs of our time, that belief will shape and transform your reality.

What’s more, embracing and embodying that quest will feed you with vitality and strengthen your spirit even as your physical body undergoes the inevitable changes that come with aging.

Are you ready to become a shining example of what’s possible in your later years?

Think what life would look like if you looked forward to your elder years in the same way that so many people in traditional and Indigenous cultures do where elders are honored as sages who are called upon for counsel because of their wider vision of the world. And where aging is a time where you harvest the love, joy and wisdom of a lifetime and occupy a place of honor, service and meaning in your family and community...

Wise, engaged and caring elders are essential for our world. So many of our collective challenges are born of conflict, misunderstanding, greed, unhealed wounds and lack of foresight all areas that elders are naturally gifted in helping to solve.

In many ways, it’s our elders who are most able to shift our world to one that is healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous. And shifting this reality begins with each of us...

Rewrite Your Script of Aging


In Dr. Tom Pinkson’s 7-part program, Shamanic Wisdom for Fruitful Aging, you’ll discover how to rewrite the script on your aging journey so that you can live a more meaningful life and cultivate more spiritually enriching and impactful elder years than you may have thought possible!

For more than 50 years, Tom has traveled the globe studying Indigenous wisdom ways and best practices for healing and aging fruitfully.

He can show you time-honored ways to expand your consciousness, which leads to deep inquiry and helps shape the perspectives that lead you to thrive in body, heart, mind and soul.

He’ll help you access what Indigenous wisdom calls your “heart memory,” that intuitive knowledge and understanding within your deeper being that is only accessible through the deep listening of your soul.

He’ll help you step into a new aging paradigm that gives you a more multidimensional understanding of your potential for meaning and continued growth and that helps you tap into reservoirs of joy and vitality.

He’ll share how you can fully embrace the identity shift that being an elder represents. In the process, you’ll learn to release unresolved emotional baggage that can sabotage your story of aging, get in touch with your authentic heart path vision for your elderhood, and access the energy and passion that can make that vision a reality.

You’ll find yourself trading in feelings of isolation and loneliness for an empowered and purposeful community of allies. You’ll be poised to create a legacy of service by giving and sharing the deepest, most beautiful parts of yourself in ways that support a healthy world for your descendents.

Indeed, the creation of your legacy does not end with retirement. The legacy you create in this stage of your life flows out of your continual growth and service to the world.

Aging Consciously and Fruitfully


An important key to fruitful aging is aligning yourself more with your spirit than with your ego. This core paradigm shift frees you from enslavement to an illusory world governed by the misleading input of your senses, and opens wide the gateway to a wondrous new world bursting with beauty, promise and endless possibility.

What your ego sees is not an intelligent, complex web of divine energy in which every atom is connected to every other atom beyond space and time, but a projection of a deeply flawed worldview based on your own experiences, biases and judgments.

When you identify with ego, with separateness and scarcity, you see yourself as alone and vulnerable in an unfriendly world. Transcend your ego, and you awaken to discover that behind every perceived separation from Spirit is a doorway to the Divine.

Switch your allegiance from your ego to your spirit, and pressure and struggling give way to peace and serenity. Your relationship with your body is transformed where once any evidence of aging threatened to consume your thoughts, you now compassionately view your body as a useful vehicle enabling you to contribute to the world in fulfilling and meaningful ways.

While the challenges that come with aging from aches and pains to reduced physical capacity to the grief associated with loss are very real, reframing your perspective on life and aging can help you deal with those situations in a skillful way that enriches your experiences and provides you with a deeper sense of living in alignment with your soul.

So while there’s a letting go, with faith and trust, of the identity around ego and the physical functions that determined your sense of wellbeing and identity, you can empower yourself through connecting with the deeper essence of who and what you really are.

And that in turn connects you to an infinite source of creativity that can reignite your excitement with life, and add clarity and depth to your sense of meaning and purpose when you awaken each morning to start a new day.

Tom will share with you his deep insights into the shamanic worldview that the creative power of the universe wants to support you in finding and developing your unique gifts that are aligned with your purpose in being on the planet at this time in history.

Discovering that purpose and living in service to it will provide you with a comforting sense of completion and the gratifying knowledge that you have fulfilled your mission in this life.

Your mission is not about being perfect and it has nothing to do with how successful you were in life as defined by how this society keeps score. It’s about showing up and doing your best to live from your integrity, your heart, and your very essence to fulfill your intuitive sense of purpose and meaning in faithful communion with the creative power that gave you and sustains your life.

The Power of Shamanic Wisdom Teachings

Tom’s years of immersion in shamanic cultures have yielded a treasure trove of wisdom and insight into the art of living harmoniously with the natural world with mindfulness and conscious intent.

His half-century of work with Indigenous elders around the world, highlighted by his profound 11-year apprenticeship with Huichol shamans in the Mexican Sierra Madre, provided a wealth of healing earth-wisdom that can adorn your aging journey with beauty, grace and power.

Some fascinating concepts from the Huichol that can positively impact the quality of your life include:

  • Nierica : A sacred portal you can open between dimensions of consciousness, accessing ancestral knowledge, animal spirits and deep guidance
  • Tatewari : The spirit of fire, seen as a grandfather; by invoking this spirit through the ritual of lighting a candle in the morning and honoring the dawn, you can empower a more conscious, intentional, creative day
  • Takutsi Nakaway : This grandmother spirit connects with the flowers on the fruit trees and the invisible power of Mother Earth

Knowledge and practice of these medicine teachings can help you make a paradigm shift in how you relate to aging. By discovering how to feed your ancestor spirits and heal intergenerational ancestral wounds, you can release yourself from negative programming around aging and gain access to deep wisdom.

You’ll also discover that no matter what challenges you’re facing, you don’t have to face them alone. Given that we are all connected beyond space and time, you have perpetual access to ancestor spirits and power animals who can help with and support you through any challenges and move you from victim consciousness to a lived-in state of empowerment.

These shamanic wisdom teachings are an effective way to gain clarity about your intentions for the rest of your days the qualities of consciousness and being that you want to experience more frequently and more consistently in your life. These qualities may range from more inner peace to a greater sense of courage to a deeper connection to grace to increased self-confidence.

Ultimately, by working with your subconscious and your intentions, and by connecting with your ancestor spirits and power animal allies, you can emerge with an empowering view of how your golden years can fulfill their highest purpose.


During Shamanic Wisdom for Fruitful Aging, you’ll:

  • Experience a positive vision of aging and a conscious approach to elderhood
  • Access Indigenous wisdom and rituals to experience a deeper sense of connection to life
  • Tap into purpose, passion and a higher vision for your life
  • Deepen your relationship with the sacred force that governs the universe
  • Apply shamanic wisdom to empower a new heart path vision for your life
  • Find a pathway for being “relevant”
  • Discover how to reshape your legacy in a deeply meaningful way
  • Join a supportive community of kindred spirits
  • Awaken from the delusion of separateness
  • Cultivate a deeper sense of living in alignment with your soul
  • Explore the possibilities for the next stage of your life
  • Encounter a new way of looking at your life’s “assignments”
  • Recognize how spiritual needs change as you age
  • Experience better energy as you shed your “baggage”
  • Explore your role as an elder who can help others now and leave a valuable legacy for the future

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational program, Tom will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully develop a new understanding of who and what you really are, beyond the physical body and ego identity, that opens up your access to infinite creativity.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain living your life with more intention and ritual.


Module 1: Use the Power of Conscious Intention to Transform Your Journey of Aging (Recorded April 25)


Aging is a natural process but how you age is up to you and it starts with your intention of how you want to experience it. We are culturally programmed to view aging in a negative way. This first module will help you shift to a new paradigm that values older people and leverages their wisdom in a socially integrative way that produces intergenerational healing. You’ll explore how to welcome and make the most of your aging process so that you can grow into the fullest blossoming of your greatest good while skillfully meeting the challenges of aging.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Shapeshift the root problem of dysfunctional and ageist cosmology to a functional one based on science and the wisdom of a shamanic worldview that honors and uses the wisdom of elders
  • Identify out-of-balance soul traits that “clog your pipes”
  • Raise your “sparks of divinity” to an infinite self that transcends the aging body
  • Create an Uru, a shamanic tool to guide your life based on your intention to age fruitfully, consciously and skillfully

Module 2: Create a Practice to Actualize Your Intention to Age Fruitfully (Recorded May 2)


In this module, you’ll move past wishing and hoping to create a regular set of practices based on the qualities of mind and being that you want to experience on a more consistent basis as you grow deeper into your elder years. Shamanic practices will help you gain empowerment through the always present powers of nature the true “elders” that have withstood the passage of time.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to access the powers of nature
  • Study the practical tools of right-relationship
  • Come to understand the sacredness of reciprocity
  • Create a personally designed ritual to start and end your day with power and consciousness, building self-esteem through your aging years
  • Program your internal and external environment for successfully meeting and using the challenges and opportunities of aging as gifts to help you grow in a positive way

Module 3: Befriend Your Ancestors’ Spirits (Recorded May 9)


Opening the doorway of conscious connection to your ancestors provides you with survival-based wisdom knowledge from the ages to enrich your daily life with a resource that wants you to succeed, especially in your role as elder. Ancestor guidance and support will empower you to share this wisdom with your community in mutually beneficial ways for generations to come.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Heal ancestral lines and open the circuit of connection
  • Tap the wisdom power of your ancestors
  • Create an ancestor altar
  • Feed your ancestor spirits
  • Heal intergenerational ancestral wounds
  • Keep the ancestral circuit open and available to you for problem solving and support to enrich your elder years with meaning and purpose

Module 4: Find Your Power Animal Ally (Recorded May 16)


Would you like somebody to watch over and guide you on your way as you age? Well, you do only it’s not a somebody, it’s an animal spirit. We are much more than our bodies and our rational minds; we are multidimensional beings. Forging a relationship with your power animal will help you tap into a trans-human resource of support to address the challenges of aging with confidence and inner strength, deepening your spirituality in amazing ways.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What a power animal is
  • What a power animal does
  • How to connect with your power animal
  • How to strengthen and deepen your connection with your power animal
  • How to use the gifts of your power animal to handle aging challenges of daily life
  • How to use second attention perception to find magic in the ordinary when you can no longer do what you used to be able to do when you were younger, stronger and more able-bodied

Module 5: Befriend Your Reptilian Brain
(Recorded May 23)


When circumstances of aging push our buttons, our primitive brain reactivity patterns get activated and our relationships suffer, both with ourselves and with others. Shamanic techniques can help you use those very same patterns as vehicles for healthy shapeshifting, resulting in greater peace of mind, confidence and more loving relationships. What you have to offer is sorely needed, so it’s vital that you become an agent of conscious evolution at this amazing time of transition we’re living in.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Recognize and “tame” your reactivity patterns
  • Tap the wisdom power of the shadow
  • Identify the tests of your spiritual curriculum
  • Shapeshift emotional, mental and physical energy states for enhanced wellbeing and vitality
  • Move from victim state reactivity to empowered spiritual warrior, contributing consciously and skillfully to your own evolution and to the planets as well

Module 6: Walk the Good, Red, Heart Path Road to Completion (Recorded May 30)


Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are all strengthened when you have an egoless sense of meaning and purpose in your life that nurtures others. Your elder years is the precise time to shift from a job-related focus to a heart-centered focus that brings deep satisfaction, as you move more deeply into soul-guided authenticity and integrity with creativity, courage and grace. Embracing the aging process enables you to blossom into the realization of what truly has the greatest meaning and value for your deepest being.

This module will help you:

  • Find your heart path vision
  • Tap infinite creativity
  • Strengthen your courage to act
  • Use challenge and adversity as vehicles of opportunity to do your growth work
  • Exercise your faith, trust and surrender muscles
  • Shift identity from personal to transpersonal consciousness for more heart sharing relationships based on love, and for contributing your gifts to your family and community where they’re most needed

Module 7: Befriend Mortality as an Ally for Empowered Living (Recorded June 6)


In a death-denying culture we see death as the enemy, so we live in anxiety and fear of the Grim Reaper, which diminishes our life force vitality and constricts our life expression. We need to bring death out of the closet and use the fact of our mortality to enrich our daily living, keeping it juicy right up to the last breath... and beyond!

In this module you’ll:

  • Explore who and what dies and what doesn’t
  • Gain a new understanding of the importance of navigational skills for working with altered states of consciousness
  • Create and enact a Death Arrow ceremony that will empower your living
  • Use shamanic practices to dissolve the causes of suffering
  • Wake up and remember the truth of your being what you are and why you are here

The Shamanic Wisdom for Fruitful Aging Bonus Collection

In addition to Tom’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


New Vision of Aging
Audio Dialogue With Tom Pinkson and Sue Steele


Join psychologist Tom Pinkson and psychotherapist Sue Steele as they explore how issues of conscious aging impact their lives and their work with clients. Tom and Sue lay the foundation for some of the essential tasks of our later years. As these life tasks become evident, they have the potential to awaken in us a broader life perspective.

Life tasks that are explored in this audio dialogue:

  • Creating a healthy relationship with our mortality that enlivens our lives rather than reducing our vitality by fear
  • Moving from ego small mind to a deeper connection with the spirituality of unitive consciousness
  • Exploring and harvesting what has been most meaningful in our lives along with the teachings therein
  • Embracing resilience, wisdom and growth opportunities in the face of change and loss
  • Discovering peace, integration, healing, purpose and a sense of completion for all aspects of our being

Sue Steele, MA, MFT has practiced in Marin County, California for 18 years, working with individuals and couples. She is a board member of Marin Villages and a research volunteer at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Sue has co-presented talks and workshop on conscious aging and end-of-life options. She loves to spend time with her grandchildren and her Tibetan terrier, Tashi.


A Ritual for Letting Go
Audio Session With Ron Pevny


In this session, Ron will introduce a ritual that can be instrumental in helping you identify and release beliefs, habits, self-identifications, attitudes and attachments that may (or may not) have served you in the past, but that clearly will not support your conscious aging. The importance of honoring what you are ready to surrender as a critical step in truly letting go will be stressed.

Ron Pevny, MA recognized his calling as a wilderness rite of passage guide in 1979 and ever since has been dedicated to assisting people in negotiating life transitions as they create lives of purpose and passion. He is Founding Director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Durango, Colorado, which for more than a decade has presented retreats and workshops to support people in aging consciously. He is author of Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: Embrace & Savor Your Next Chapter, as well as numerous articles on conscious aging.


Conscious Aging: What It Means, Why We Need It
Audio Dialogue Hosted by Ron Pevny With Harry Moody


Aging is familiar, but it is also a mystery and an opportunity for discovery. To enter the mystery we all need to overcome denial. The reward is Positive Aging and the path is Conscious Aging.

  • Discover the meaning of "ageism" and the listener’s own prejudices
  • Recognize that growing older entails for losses and gains
  • Identify positive steps and role models for what Conscious Aging could mean

Harry R. Moody is retired Vice President for Academic Affairs for AARP. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Fielding Graduate University in the Creative Longevity and Wisdom Program. He is co-author of the book, The Five Stages of the Soul, now translated into seven languages worldwide.


What People Are Saying About Tom Pinkson...


One ceremony with Tom is like 10 years of psychotherapy.
Candace, 20-year-old College Student

My gratitude for Tom can’t be put into words. My entire worldview and perception of reality now reflects something much closer to truth. There isn’t a much bigger gift you could give someone; so thank you, Tom.

I loved the process! The sessions were amazing! Through them I was able to unearth, discuss and understand my journey in greater detail, understanding myself (and appreciating myself) more fully.

The more people Tom talks to the better our world will be... How many others are there out there that don’t believe the fundamental truth that they are worthy and sacred at their core? Thanks for having the patience to get this message through to my friends, and to others.
Nancy, Business Owner

Tom is such a valuable presence in the world. I can’t think of any man I know that holds the kind of space that he holds. His years of dedication from his heart in apprenticeship with the work he does has created such a strong center in him. It’s very unique and so needed.
Isabelle, Therapist

The experience [with Dr. Tom Pinkson] was one of the most positive, uplifting, emotionally satisfying celebrations I have felt and witnessed... As I reflect on this experience and recall my years observing people in hospitals, I imagine turning back the clock, and then picture all those patients and their families working with Tom. In that parallel universe I picture them reclaiming their wisdom and revitalizing their dreams, as Tom puts it... I can see it in my mind’s eye and wish for this special gift to be bestowed on many, many more people, and also for myself.
Sharon, Retired Nurse

With his humility, strength and incomparable experience, Tom holds sacred space like none other. He makes everyone feel safe, welcome and valued.
Glen, Filmmaker


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Tom Pinkson

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with author and teacher Tom Pinkson from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions to accelerate your learning.


The Shamanic Wisdom for Fruitful Aging Bonus Collection

  • New Vision of Aging
    Audio Dialogue With Tom Pinkson and Sue Steele
  • A Ritual for Letting Go
    Audio Session With Ron Pevny
  • Conscious Aging: What It Means, Why We Need It
    Audio Dialogue Hosted by Ron Pevny With Harry Moody

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Shamanic Wisdom for Fruitful Aging Virtual Training

We feel honored that Tom Pinkson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Tom’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about empowering and shifting your identity beyond your body, mind and ego, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Tom Pinkson...


Pinkson is one of those rare individuals who walks his talk, whose life is built on helping others, loving and forgiving, and a determination to trust and listen to the inner voice within him.
Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, Author of Love Is Letting Go of Fear


Tom Pinkson helps us to reconnect with the teachings of our Indigenous American ancestors. This is healing earth wisdom for our fractured civilization, and inspiration to honor the creative forces inherent in the land, the plants, the animals and the people.
Ralph Metzner, PhD, Author of Green Psychology


Tom Pinkson not only studied the spiritual practices of the Huichol he lives them and their beauty. He is a living example of how we can sculpt a new world through the power of love...
Sandra Ingerman, Author of Walking in Light and Soul Retrieval


Tom has provided modern people in search of a soul with a basket full of ancient flowers.
Bobby “Medicine Grizzly Bear” Lake-Thom, Traditional Native Healer and Spiritual Teacher


Tom Pinkson... sheds light on the potential in each one of us to change the current channels of our perceptions in order to live a more expansive, sacred and compassionate life. His encouragement for us to walk our path with ceremonial gratitude grew from his apprenticeship with Huichol shamans and is medicine for our times.
Marion Weber, Founder of the Arts and Healing Network and the Flow Fund Circle


About Tom Pinkson


Dr. Tom Pinkson serves as a bridge builder between ancient wisdom and contemporary society, walking in two worlds one of traditional healing and one of Western psychology and addressing the challenges of modern living. For over 50 years he has worked with Indigenous elders around the world, from the deserts of Mexico to the jungles of the Amazon, embracing spiritual teachings and sharing them with integrity to both preserve ancient knowledge and to leverage that wisdom for practical application to the issues that face our world today.

Tom has played a key role in three social movements of the 20th Century: the establishment and growth of the first at-home Hospice program in the United States, the introduction of the Native American-based Vision Quest to mainstream America, and, together with Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, the growth of Attitudinal Healing, a forerunner to today’s popularity of "positive psychology" via the internationally renowned Center for Attitudinal Healing, where Tom created and led counseling programs for life-threatened children and adults for 32 years. He is the founder and director of WAKAN, a community-based nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life.

Tom has touched thousands of lives throughout the world. As international keynote speaker, transpersonal psychologist, consultant, retreat and ceremonial leader, spiritual counselor, and author of The Gift of Mantra, Do They Celebrate Christmas in Heaven? and The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol, he guides people to discover a path of sacred and harmonious living in balance with the web of life.


Frequently Asked Questions

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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

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A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
