Masami Covey, MS, FNTP
Health Intuitive, Functional Nutritional Therapist

Masami Covey is a health intuitive, functional nutritional therapist, and internationally recognized speaker. She reveals the root causes of imbalance using Intuitive insights, a whole-person approach, and laser-pointed guidance. She translates our subtle “body language,” and provides practical daily tools, nutrient recommendations, breath-work, somatic movements, and more.

Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family. Her work draws from her blend of East-meets-West culture, language, and energy medicine, as well as years of clinical experience in Functional Nutritional Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Positive Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and applied linguistics. She is a faculty member of The Shift Network and a frequent speaker on health and energy summits, podcasts, and programs.

The Anatomy of Your Cosmic Flow


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