Dr. Velma Love
Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner & Author of Divining the Self

Dr. Velma Love is an educator, cultural activist, ritual artist, storyteller, ancestral lineage healing practitioner, and change maker. The author of Divining the Self: A Study in Yoruba Myth and Human Consciousness, she is the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program and Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Her research interests center on sacred texts in society, ancestral memory, the intergenerational transmission of cultural trauma, and the healing power of stories for personal and social transformation.

She is the founder and president of Story Catalysts, LLC, the only story change company that leverages ancient African wisdom symbols and systems, proven true through the test of time, to catalyze personal and social transformation. As a certified Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner, a Narrative Coach, and a Dagara Cowrie Shell Diviner, Velma teaches her clients and students to connect with their inner guidance system, the innate divine consciousness known as the “Ori” (oh ree) to catalyze personal and social transformation.


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