With Hawaiian Spiritual Leader and Healer
Lei‘ohu Ryder
A 7-module On-demand Video Course

Experience joy, freedom and the interconnectedness of all life through the Hawaiian wisdom of “Aloha”...

Cleanse your mind, body and spirit through the ancient practice of Hoʻoponopono and authentically live and express the essence of Mahalo (gratitude).


Aloha is more than a casual greeting... Aloha is a way of life.

It’s a transmission of loving wisdom, a mystical doorway to the divine, and the spirit that guides you into partnership with the natural world.

Aloha, which literally means, “sharing the breath of Life,” is also an untapped ancient wisdom that we as a people, and our planet, need desperately during these times...

And even though the Aloha spirit was birthed in the sacred islands of Hawai‘i, it is everyone’s inheritance and a vital part of our heritage that much of the modern world has lost.

Within the Indigenous wisdom tradition of Aloha, there’s a deep understanding of the role of journey, blessing, ritual and ceremony.

So how do you access this vibrant, peaceful, healing spirit that is as ancient as life itself?

Hawaiian spiritual leader Lei‘ohu Ryder will warmly and reverently serve as your trusted guide to discover the mystical beauty of Hawaiian spirituality.

Lei‘ohu and her partner, Maydeen ‘lao, are Kumu Aloha (emissaries of Aloha) and advocates for the Indigenous Soul in all people.

Together they founded a nonprofit, Aloha in Action, to sustain, grow and spread these timely and powerful teachings throughout the world. Their love and knowledge of Hawai‘i will help you connect with your Self, with Spirit, and with the essence of Aloha.

You don’t need to live in the islands or even to have visited them to embrace, embody and express the deep sense of connection and harmony that is the Aloha spirit.

Coming Home to Aloha


Lei‘ohu teaches that Aloha is an energy, a way of being in the world. Aloha is not something to be explained, but to be experienced. And when you experience it, you are changed forever.

How will you know Aloha when you encounter it? You’ll get your first taste of it at the sound of Lei‘ohu’s voice...

Aloha is the living, loving energy transmitted by her words and her intentions. Listen attentively and you may feel a “knowing” that bubbles up like lava within you, awakening you to a new world a world in which you know true peace and harmony as you’ve never known them before.

The Aloha spirit is so integral to Hawai‘i that it was enacted into law in 1986. The Aloha Spirit Law details the “traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawai‘i’s people.”

The law goes on to state that Aloha is “the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawai‘i.” It further states that Aloha means “to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen and to know the unknowable.”

Hawaiian officials and citizens are expected to act in accordance with this law at all times in their professional and personal lives.

Another essential element of Aloha is Ho‘oponopono, the step-by-step Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness that cleanses and heals you in mind, body and spirit, enabling you to make things right with yourself and in all your relationships.

Aloha is an unerring moral compass. It is your connection to the Earth, to the animals, to the plants, to the heavens. Within Aloha are the seeds of sacred responsibility with all life... and the courage to water them and tend to them until they blossom into thoughts and actions that honor the Earth and all beings.

Throughout the Aloha Spirit journey, you’ll receive a steady stream of offerings that will guide and support you as you take step after step into your own knowing and the innermost depths of your being.

You will then understand that Aloha is a homecoming, a recognition of your own divinity and the divinity in all beings, and a sweet reminder of all that is right with the world.

Entering a Sacred Space


If you’ve been to Hawai‘i, you’ve felt a certain sense of sacredness that exists nowhere else in quite the same way.

Yet the Aloha spirit is not the property of the Hawaiian people or constrained within the borders of the Hawaiian islands.

Welcome Aloha into your mind, heart and spirit, and you can develop and carry that sense of place with you wherever you go.

Aloha will live within you as a guiding light and a living, vibrant sacredness. Invite Aloha into your life and your life becomes more beautiful.

David Kaonohiokala Bray, a revered kahuna (a wise elder or shaman) interpreted the deepest meaning of Aloha to be “God in us,” which means:

Come forward, be in unity and harmony with your real self, God, and mankind. Be honest, truthful, patient, kind to all life forms, and humble.

Imbued with the spirit of Aloha, your consciousness naturally expands, you feel viscerally interconnected with all of life, and you more easily identify the unique gifts you came here to express.

Aloha helps you activate your sacred life force, spurring you to live with greater reverence for all that is Divine within and around you. Every moment becomes a gift and a blessing.

Your every thought and word become offerings to the Divine. With joy, you find yourself living a life of prayer and sacred action.

Such is the promise and the power of Aloha.

Over the course of the 7 modules, you’ll:

  • Deepen your inherent connection with the spirit of Aloha
  • Develop ways of making things right with yourself, others and your community
  • Gain a greater appreciation for living with unqualified accountability and responsibility
  • Explore the value and interconnectedness of ‘Ohana (family)
  • Discover a sense of place while living in harmony with the Natural World
  • Awaken your seeds of sacred responsibility with all life
  • Activate your sacred life force through prayer
  • Investigate how to heal and release even the deepest of wounds
  • Discover how to authentically live in the energy of Mahalo (gratitude)
  • Understand the depth of our relationship to the cosmos through a single blade of grass
  • Explore the three umbilical cords that connect us to the Divine

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

Each teaching session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your insights and transformations.

Course modules begin with an hour-long video of teachings from Lei‘ohu, followed by a 30-minute recorded Q&A with both Lei‘ohu and Maydeen.

Each module also includes a carefully selected song from Lei‘ohu’s double album, The Call Within & Honor All Life, that will be particularly relevant to the teaching within that module.

Module 1: The Essence of Aloha
Opening to Your Divinity (Recorded August 16)


We acknowledge all our ancestors and the gifts they have passed down from generation to generation. We acknowledge and mahalo Aunty Pilahi Pakī’s gift to the State of Hawai‘i in 1986, the “Aloha Spirit Law” (1986).

We will explore the word Aloha as an acronym and how each of the five “values” represented opens your heart and understanding of the deeper meanings underlying the essence of Aloha.

Aloha can be described via the following acronym:

Akahai: Kindness, to be expressed with tenderness
Lōkahi: Unity, to be expressed with harmony
Olu‘olu: Agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness
Ha‘aha‘a: Humility, to be expressed with modesty
Ahonui: Patience, to be expressed with perseverance

Module 2: Ho‘oponopono From the Village of Wailau
(“where the waters meet”) (Recorded August 23)


Lei‘ohu will take you back to her youth and the imagery of growing up in a small village on O‘ahu, learning firsthand the ways of healing and the ways of making things pono (right).

What Lei‘ohu shares is based on her own personal experiences within her family system of Ho‘oponopono making sure they had right relations with themselves, each other, their community and the islands. In this way, harmony was maintained.

There are many aspects of pono, including:

  • Creating right relations within yourself and others
  • Making things pono (right) with your Self first
  • The willingness to accept who you are in the present moment
  • The willingness to act with complete honesty, integrity and respect for all
  • The willingness to release and heal individual, family and community wounds, even those you’ve carried in your DNA for generations
  • Embracing that which is authentic within
  • The recognition that you are not a separate individual, that you are one embodiment of life in harmony with all life
  • Mihi, Kala (repent, forgive, release)

Module 3: Aloha ‘Aīna, ‘Āina Aloha
Love for the Land, the Land Loves (Recorded August 30)


We have a primal connection to the land because we are the seeds of the stars that came from the heavens to shine on this land. Living on the land in the island way, you must take care of the resources because without love for the resources, there is no life.

Aloha is a sacred relationship to the Divine. This primal relationship as expressed in nature and community is our life force and our spiritual connection.

In this module, we will explore the importance of:

  • ‘Āina That which Feeds
  • Mālama ‘Āina Caring for the Land
  • Keiki o ka ‘āina Child of the Land
  • Maka‘āinānā Eyes of the Land
  • Honoring That Which Feeds
  • A Sense of Place
  • Walking with Respect / Awareness
  • Protocols

Module 4: Living ‘Ohana
Knowing That All Life Is Your Family (Recorded September 6)


Lei‘ohu will share the creation story around Hāloa, the first-born child of Papa and Wakea, the Earth Mother and Sky Father, whose death at birth gave rise to the plant kingdom and to another son who became the prime ancestor of mankind.

Because of our deep spiritual and genealogical connection, we know that all life is our family. The sacred life force of the Universe energetically connects us in relationship to the creatures in the ocean, the stars in the heavens, and every blade of grass that grows.

Lei‘ohu will share the story of the Kalo (Taro), ‘Oha (The Shoots), and the relationship between humankind, the Natural World and the Cosmos.

In this module, we will explore:

  • How to heal your family and your lineage through understanding the relationship to the land
  • How to forge a deeper connection with your lineage, and come into harmony with the wisdom of the lineage that you carry; honoring your own family wisdom connects you to everything
  • Surfing the spaciousness and freedom of the interconnectedness of all life, and the many ways to communicate with your universal family

Module 5: Embracing Kuleana
Sacred Responsibility in Alignment With the Divine (Recorded September 13)


We will explore how to cultivate and align your individual sacred responsibilities within yourself so that you can identify the gifts you came here to express, share and offer in service to all life as only you can.

We all came to have fun on this planet and to passionately express our gifts while standing in alignment with the Divine.

You will go within to understand: , , Kua and Akua, which are aligned and defined within Kuleana.

In this module, we will:

  • Play with discovering the joy of your gifts
  • Celebrate being alive in the garden of Aloha

Module 6: Pule & Mana
Living a Life of Prayer & Sacred Action (Recorded September 20)


We are the seeds of the gods and goddesses, expressing ourselves as divinity through sharing our unique gifts with the world.

You will contemplate the power of turning your daily actions into offerings to the Divine in whatever form you hold as your Higher Power.

This module will include conversations around:

  • The importance of claiming and expressing your authentic power, and why connecting with it activates the sacred Life Force
  • How wielding your authentic power manifests actions of Aloha
  • Living your prayer

Module 7: Mahalo
Living in Gratitude (Recorded September 27)


This module concludes the course with insights, contemplations and words of wisdom related to living your life in gratitude. Living in gratitude releases the weight of daily living from your shoulders, fills your life with peace, light and truth, and acknowledges the foundation of spirit which is Aloha.

When you live in the energy of Mahalo, you understand that every experience must be embraced with appreciation because the gift is always there, even in the most challenging moments. Mahalo is the acknowledgment that we are divinely connected within and without.

In this module, we will explore concepts such as:

  • The essence of gratitude
  • Living in a constant flow of energy, expressing gratitude for all blessings in every moment
  • We are infinite beings; our spirit, the spirit of Aloha, and all of life are infinite
  • When we say Mahalo, our body naturally bows to the Earth, expressing our gratitude that we have the privilege to be alive in this moment
  • Where Mahalo is, gratitude serves

The Aloha Spirit Bonus Collection

In addition to Lei‘ohu’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive this powerful double album as a special bonus. This bonus is being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and deepen your understanding and practice of the course materials.

The Call Within & Honor All Life
22-track Double Music Album From Lei‘ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘lao


The Call Within & Honor All Life are two musical journeys in one that invite you to awaken your Indigenous Soul. As emissaries of light reflecting primordial memories of the origins of ourselves, we each are being called into the spiral of the knowing of ourselves in order to rise from our isolations and to remember our oneness. The songs, chants and musical expressions activate the encoding in listener’s DNA.

What People Are Saying About Lei‘ohu Ryder...


When I moved to Maui, Lei‘ohu and Maydeen welcomed me to Hawaiian spirituality. Their Aloha in Action program permeates their teachings, which they share all across the world. The love that they radiate is obvious.
Ram Dass, renowned spiritual teacher, cultural icon, bestselling author


It is with reverence and rarity we witness the presence and the practice of Universal Oneness, filled with all abiding Love that heals, enriches, sustains and fulfills the promise of One World Culture; such is the way, the work and the will of Lei‘ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘Iao.
Dr. Ayin Adams, PhD, MScD, author, poet, screenwriter, director, actress


Through song and talking story, this transformational duo reminds you of your core heart truth, which is to be unconditionally loving. They share the authentic Spirit of Hawai‘i and spread their message of Aloha from a universalist perspective that will lift you up and make you whole again!
Eric Richter, Publisher, Maui Vision Magazine


Where there is harmony, there is gentleness. Where there is discord, harmony must be found. Lei‘ohu Ryder is a daughter of Pasifika Rising. She resides on the island of Maui in Hawai‘i, and she circuits the globe at the invitation of souls activating Aloha, Aloha in Action.
Al Lagunero, esteemed Kumu, renowned artist, President of the Olowalu Cultural Reserve


Grace. Wisdom. Gentleness. Love. Generosity. Laughter. Expansiveness. Lei‘ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘Iao are the universal personification of these ways.
Lesley Michaels, Entrepreneur, humanitarian, author, writer, social advocate


Lei‘ohu and Maydeen are an inspiration and true joy to experience. Sharing through music, message and stories, they convey Indigenous wisdom that inspires, informs and illuminates! Aloha in Action is a perfect blend of compassion, power and grace. Timeless teachings that are needed in our world today.
Rev. Darlene Strickland, Unity of the Blue Ridge

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Lei‘ohu Ryder

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from Hawaiian spiritual teacher Lei‘ohu Ryder from the comfort of your own home.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning.

The Aloha Spirit Bonus Collection

  • The Call Within & Honor All Life
    22-track Double Music Album From Lei‘ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘lao

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Aloha Spirit Virtual Journey

We feel honored Lei‘ohu Ryder has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a Hawaiian spiritual teacher whose powerful insights and inspiring work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Lei‘ohu’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about embracing the interconnectedness of all life, authentically living and expressing the essence of Mahalo, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

About Lei‘ohu Ryder


Lei‘ohu Ryder is a Hawaiian spiritual leader, visionary, healer, singer/songwriter, and educator. Along with her partner, Maydeen ‘lao, they are Kumu Aloha (emissaries of Aloha) and advocates for the Indigenous Soul in all people. Their love and knowledge of Hawai‘i help us connect with ourselves, with Spirit, and the essence of Aloha.

Lei‘ohu offers her gifts to you on Maui, in Hawai‘i and throughout the world, through blessings, music, public speaking, intensives, counseling, healing work, wedding ceremonies, and funeral services... all imbued with Aloha spirit.

Lei‘ohu’s talents and knowledge are honored and loved in her community and the world. Lei‘ohu has received the Gandhi-King Peace Hero Award, the Peace Educator Award from the United Nations, the Woman of Honor award from Women’s History Month, the Educator Award from the Peace Corps, and the Malama Ka‘Aina Award from the Sierra Club. She has shared her gifts throughout Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and North America.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
