With Physical Therapist, Owner of Spring Physical Therapy, and
Somatic Enneagram Teacher
Marion Gilbert, RPT

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Explore how to relax your automatic stress responses, experience a more open mind, a less defended heart, and greater grounded presence through the Somatic Enneagram, which helps you to understand how the unique patterns of different personality types manifest in the body.

Do you feel stuck in your relationships, repeating the same patterns that never seem to resolve?

Maybe you feel like you understand your behavioral patterns cognitively, but fall short in changing them, and feel drained from working hard to do so?

The answer to real, lasting change lies in your body.

A lifetime of defensive habits builds default behavioral patterns in your body, so that when you understand your personality type ONLY intellectually, it can still be painfully hard to change.

When we see the body as the key gateway to opening to our potential and releasing our traumas, things can shift far faster.

You can relax your automatic responses, learn to feel and sense your deeper truth, and consciously choose not to activate survival responses that are no longer needed in your life…

The Enneagram, a powerful psycho-spiritual framework, helps you illuminate where you are within nine primary personality types. Knowing your Enneagram type helps explain how you interpret the world, manage emotions, and react to different life situations, whether happy or stressful.

But that’s not enough. When you add somatic awareness to your Enneagram study, you gain insight into how you filter and perceive reality and receive it in your tissues enabling you to connect with the unconscious part of your brain and empowering you to consciously respond instead of being triggered.

According to Marion Gilbert, RPT, a physical therapist and developer of the Somatic Enneagram, while the Enneagram is about defining your behaviors, the Somatic Enneagram is about learning what drives those behaviors

For many, it’s the missing piece to their Enneagram work, providing a next-level understanding of how you react in your body to psychological stressors. 

In this course from Marion, you’ll discover how you can calm your default reactions by tuning in to your body’s unique reactions to psychological stressors and life in general.

This course walks you through how to identify where you feel mental and emotional stressors somatically in three primary centers: your body center, head center, and heart center.

If you already work with the Enneagram in your private or professional life, the somatic approach will deepen your understanding of how your body responds to different stressors within your Enneagram type pattern, enabling you to ultimately change your default behaviors.

During this sensory-opening somatic journey, you’ll:

  • Learn about the 3 centers of intelligence and how they work together, according to the Triune Brain Model
  • Grow your Enneagram study through somatic awareness to gain insight into how you filter and perceive reality
  • Discover why the somatic lens of perception is significant in Enneagram work
  • Explore your automatic responses to stress using the principles of trauma resolution therapy along with ancient wisdom traditions
  • Become less triggered by challenging experiences, gain more resilience, and become more consciously aware of your reactions
  • Explore how your past experience in the 3 centers of intelligence influences your current perception of reality
  • Build capacity for somatic awareness through inner meditative practices that help you identify your default behavioral patterns
  • Learn simple and accessible movement practices to help you gain a sense of self-regulation, resilience, balance, and harmony
  • Discover how each Enneagram type corresponds to one of the following: body center, heart center, or head center
  • Delve deep into each Enneagram type pattern through a somatic lens
  • Explore how transformation happens from the inside out
  • And much more!

While most of the time people operate primarily from their brain/mental center, or their heart/emotional center, the Somatic Enneagram allows you to connect with and embody your physical senses for more effective integration of your senses with your emotions and thoughts. 

By understanding your body’s wisdom in conjunction with your personality type, you can experience a more open mind, a less defensive heart, and a more vital and resilient body with a greater sense of grounded presence.

The Somatic Enneagram ultimately helps you integrate and embody wisdom beyond the intellectual, allowing you to create real transformation in how you react to and engage with others in your world increasing your capacity for deeper spiritual experiences.

Deborah Egerton, Enneagram Teacher and Author:
“Marion Stands By You in a Loving, Kind, and Trusting Way”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Marion guides you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully relax your default behavioral patterns to experience a more grounded presence, and a more open mind and heart.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Marion. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to relax your automatic stress reactions and feel more grounded. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Module 1: What Is the Somatic Enneagram?

Your Enneagram type is one of 9 different personality type patterns that help describe how you interpret the world and manage emotions. And knowing your type is only the beginning of your transformation journey.

By adding somatic awareness to your Enneagram study, you’ll gain insight into how you filter and perceive reality.

In our opening module, you’ll focus on how somatic awareness using the Enneagram map gives you access to the underpinnings of your character structure, and what drives your unconscious perceptions and behaviors.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 centers of intelligence and how they work together, according to the Triune Brain Model
  • Why the somatic lens of perception is significant in Enneagram work
  • How your past experience in the 3 centers of intelligence influences your perception of reality
  • Ways to build capacity for somatic awareness through inner practice
  • An inner practice for discernment between felt sense experiences while following your breath
  • A grounding and orienting somatic practice to help you gain access to present moment awareness

Module 2: Somatic Awareness Practice

All too often, our automatic reactions are based on what’s happened to us in the past which is why communication with others can be challenging, and why we’re not always able to truly receive and listen to each other.

In this module, you'll explore your own automatic responses to stress using the principles of trauma resolution therapy, along with some ancient wisdom traditions including Mystical Christian, Sufi, Eastern Mysticism, Buddhism, Daoism, Vedanta, and Inner Yoga.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Why our internal (the way we communicate with ourselves) and external (the way we communicate with others) communication has become hijacked by automatic highly-conditioned reactions, and learn why we often struggle to truly listen to each other
  • The principles of trauma resolution practice, and how to use them to master your inner connection with your true Self by staying receptive in connecting with yourself and others
  • What your felt sense lens of perception is, and why you likely have a hard time noticing it
  • How to observe and cultivate the language for mapping your inner territory
  • How shifting your attention will change what comes onto your screen of awareness, which helps determine the reality you see
  • An inner practice that will take you to experience what happens when you shift your attention to the felt sense lens of perception

Module 3: Foundational Elements for Transformation

We’ve all created our own way of perceiving reality, based upon our most fundamental need to survive and in this module, you’ll explore how transformation happens from the inside out.

You’ll discover that real change happens when you return to your essential nature and leave your identification with your conditioned self behind.

You’ll practice turning your attention inward to begin to notice what is arising within, so you can recognize and remember who you were created to be.

You’ll learn that you can move from the inside out, trusting yourself to be guided by your inner compass and allowing your essential nature to lead you into movement.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What transformation looks like and how it really happens
  • The method of the Somatic Awareness Practice
  • An inner practice to cultivate the observer faculty of mind
  • A movement practice to increase your capacity to trust your inner territory
  • How to gain a sense of self-regulation, resilience, balance and harmony through reconciliation.

Module 4: Exploring the 3 Centers Via the Triune Brain Model

In this module, you’ll learn to discern between conditioned and wisdom qualities of the 3 brain centers, and come to recognize categories of perception that are ordinary and subtle.

According to the Enneagram patterns, we tend to prioritize one of our three intelligence centers in the brain.

Conditioned qualities are when everything is split into two opposing parts with the distinct experience of an “either/or” duality.

Wisdom qualities are the essential and unconditioned aspects that arise from an “and/and” non-dual reality.

And there’s a third force, harmonizing these two opposing forces, which you’ll explore in greater detail in this module.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to tell the difference between conditioned and wisdom qualities of the 3 triune brain centers
  • Why the ordinary finite world creates two opposing sides, and how to discover a third force which deeply harmonizes and heals the perceived split of its dualistic nature
  • A practice that allows you to experience and connect all 3 of your brain centers, rather than prioritize one over the others
  • How all 3 centers of the triune brain have a driving negative core belief, a negative emotion, and a defensive reflex
  • A practice that helps you transform negative reactions into wisdom qualities

Module 5: The Body Center

In this module, you’ll learn about Enneagram types 8, 9, and 1, along with their somatic patterns.

You'll discover the body center and the somatic patterns that belong to these types. You’ll learn more about how Type 8 defends and protects, type 9 merges and harmonizes, and type 1 corrects and censors.

You’ll also explore the pain of separation, and the feeling of not belonging and being alone.

You’ll practice where you feel these sensations in your body, as it registers the pain and threat of being ousted or overlooked through separation.

You’ll come to know the adaptive strategies of the patterns and how they serve the need to belong.

There may be some unconscious memories arising where you felt like you didn’t belong. Where is this pain of being overlooked located in your body?

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The Enneagram number types that belong to the body center (8, 9, and 1)
  • The core belief of “who I need to be” in order to belong in three different ways
  • The preferred defensive reflex creating an automatic reaction in this center
  • The somatic aspects of these patterns and how they manifest in your body
  • An inner practice to help you understand where you’re feeling these conditioned patterns in your body
  • A movement practice that allows the contraction and expansion of the body center

Module 6: The Heart Center

In this module, you’ll dive deep into the emotional patterns of Enneagram types 2, 3, and 4.

We all need connection, touch, nurturing, and the warmth of emotional connection with each other.

This module will be all about the need for connection and contact, as well as the potential threat of the loss of connection.

You’ll explore where your heart is defended, and where your heart is radiant.

You’ll also go to a place where you'll feel the pain and loss of connection in your body.

Adjacent to the places inside of ourselves that are experiencing stress of the loss of connection, there are simultaneously places that are already open and at ease.

By witnessing both with equal attention, you can witness reconciliation by embracing the paradox and connecting the opposites as a way of harmonizing.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The Enneagram number types and somatic patterns that belong to the heart center (2, 3, and 4)
  • The core belief of who you need to be in order to be loved and connect with people in three different ways
  • Your preferred defensive reflex that creates an automatic reaction for this center
  • An inner practice that helps you understand where in your body you’re feeling closed off and defended, in relation to your heart
  • A movement practice that allows the shield and the radiance of the heart center to meet from a place of self-compassion

Module 7: The Head Center

In this module, you’ll learn about and explore your mental patterns through Enneagram types 5, 6, and 7.

You’ll work on cultivating an inner wisdom movement that comes from a receptive and open mind.

You’ll discuss the difference between narrow and expanded views, and explore what has become our own fixed mindset as described in the core belief of each type, and what is already open and expanded.

You’ll also learn a movement practice to help you understand where inside of yourself you feel and sense this core belief operating.

In this final session, you’ll discover:

  • The Enneagram numbers and patterns that correlate with the head center (5, 6, and 7)
  • The core belief of who you need to be in order to be validated by others in 3 different ways
  • Your preferred defensive reflex that creates an automatic reaction for this center
  • An inner practice to help you understand where in your body you’re experiencing feeling discounted and dismissed, creating a need for you to seek validation
  • A movement practice you can take with you that allows the conditioned mind and expanded mind to meet and witness the experience of transcending into a state of open mind, giving you greater access to your intuition to receive knowledge

The Somatic Enneagram Bonus Collection

In addition to Marion’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Foundational Element of the Somatic Awareness Practice: Placement of Attention
Audio Meditation From Marion Gilbert

This 45-minute practice with Marion Gilbert takes you into the three aspects of brain function. You’ll learn how these brain intelligences have been designed to serve our survival and wellbeing, as well as our ability to function in the world. Practices include: Integration of the Head via the mental lens of perception; Integration of the Heart via the emotional lens of perception; and Integration of the Body via the felt sense lens of perception.

The 3 Lenses of Perception
Audio Meditation & Series of 5 Audio Teachings From Marion Gilbert

In this series of audio teachings from Marion Gilbert, you’ll discover how the somatic patterns of each Enneagram type fit within each of the three centers (body, heart, and head). You’ll learn methods for how to work with the automatic survival reflexes in each center. Included in this bonus is a 36-minute audio meditation to help you integrate and embody the wisdom shared in the teachings.

What People Are Saying About Marion Gilbert, RPT...

Heather Brown: “Marion’s Method Is Absolute Gold Dust”

Aaron Manes: “I Know Marion’s Work Will Make a Deep Impact on Your Life”

“... Enneagram type work with Marion is humbling, tantalizing, delicious, and mind-blowing.”
Learning skillful somatic practices and experiencing individual Somatic Enneagram type work with Marion is humbling, tantalizing, delicious, and mind-blowing. The discovery of my body’s unique and precise intelligence, thanks to inward realization and attention, has allowed me to trust and then follow what my body senses, feels, intuits, and how it informs me I awaken with renewed trust, open to continuing somatic work, gratefully receiving fresh opportunities to grow and develop in my precious life today. Thanks to Marion, I am learning to pay attention, breathe, and shift attention, follow how my body is energetically moving me. My life is dynamic, as is the Somatic Enneagram with Marion Gilbert.
Laurie Hopkins, student
“... Enneagram type work with Marion is humbling, tantalizing, delicious, and mind-blowing.”
“My experience working with the Somatic Enneagram has been a rare and revelatory period in my life.”
My experience working with the Somatic Enneagram has been a rare and revelatory period in my life. As a Type 5 with a long history of retreating into the mind, learning to trust the wisdom and intelligence in my own body has been crucial for my inner growth. The simple practice of shifting my attention has allowed me to access a subtle intelligence in all three centers and has opened countless possibilities for genuine integration.
Alan Comstock, student
“My experience working with the Somatic Enneagram has been a rare and revelatory period in my life.”
“The experiential way Marion integrates the body into the Enneagram practice more fully completes the picture for me.”
As a longtime student of the Enneagram, I jumped at the opportunity to bring my whole being to the study. The experiential way Marion integrates the body into the Enneagram practice more fully completes the picture for me. Learning to listen and respect my body’s communication has been key to more fully embodying my return to my whole self... an ever-evolving process.
Deborah Bridges, student
“The experiential way Marion integrates the body into the Enneagram practice more fully completes the picture for me.”
“Somatic Enneagram has brought to me a greater understanding...”
I have studied the Enneagram on and off for 20 years. Somatic Enneagram has brought to me a greater understanding of type structures with a felt sense awareness of freedom that comes with being embodied. I have gained a capacity for greater holding of core wounds and trauma.
Rahima Badsah, student
“Somatic Enneagram has brought to me a greater understanding...”
“I have been able to understand how my patterns previously overran my life, as well as recognize and capitalize on my strengths.”
I’ve been working with Marion Gilbert and the Enneagram since 2015, both in one-on-ones and in her weekly group. Although she easily identified my type, she allowed me to come to it on my own. Marion is skilled at allowing a client to come to answers rather than providing them. With her understanding of the Somatic, Enneagram wisdom, and innate ability to ask questions, she has helped me to change many damaging lifelong habits. Through working with her, I have been able to understand how my patterns previously overran my life, as well as recognize and capitalize on my strengths. I truly appreciate how non-judgmental her approach feels as a client as well. Finally, I learned the important skill of recognizing how feelings come up in my body prior to reacting to them outwardly. This has helped me calm my nervous system and become a more relaxed person in every area of my life!
S. Baker, student
“I have been able to understand how my patterns previously overran my life, as well as recognize and capitalize on my strengths.”

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from physical therapist and Somatic Enneagram teacher Marion Gilbert, RPT, owner of Spring Physical Therapy from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and will guide you to relax your automatic stress reactions in order to feel more grounded.

Seven Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Somatic Enneagram Bonus Collection
  • Foundational Element of the Somatic Awareness Practice: Placement of Attention
    Audio Meditation From Marion Gilbert
  • The 3 Lenses of Perception
    Audio Meditation & Series of 5 Audio Teachings From Marion Gilbert

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Somatic Enneagram Online Training

We feel honored that Marion Gilbert has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the physical therapist, Somatic Enneagram teacher, and owner of Spring Physical Therapy, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about discovering how to relax your default behavioral patterns, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.



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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Somatic Enneagram or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Marion Gilbert, RPT...

“Marion’s deep understanding and skill in working with the body (somatics) is revolutionizing the Enneagram work...”
I first met Marion Gilbert while I was teaching in the Netherlands. She joined the core faculty of Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition in 2007 and has become a powerful teacher over the years. Marion’s deep understanding and skill in working with the body (somatics) is revolutionizing the Enneagram work and integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of the system. She brings a compelling energy and expertise to the Enneagram based upon her vast experience in somatic therapy. I recommend her highly, without reservation of any kind.
David Daniels, MD, Enneagram thought leader, teacher, author, adjunct clinical professor emeritus of Stanford University Medical School, and founding board member of the International Enneagram Association
“Marion’s deep understanding and skill in working with the body (somatics) is revolutionizing the Enneagram work...”
“(I) come away enriched by her wealth of Enneagram understanding, clarity of delivery, and kindness of attention to students.”
I have rarely heard such skilled interventions, particularly in the area of somatic relaxation for longstanding personality patterns. I currently co-teach several programs a year with Marion and typically come away enriched by her wealth of Enneagram understanding, clarity of delivery, and kindness of attention to students.
Helen Palmer, Enneagram thought leader, teacher, author, and founding board member of the International Enneagram Association
“(I) come away enriched by her wealth of Enneagram understanding, clarity of delivery, and kindness of attention to students.”
“Marion Gilbert is brilliant at this work.”
Marion Gilbert is brilliant at this work. The self-discovery that takes place in one of her sessions is remarkable for penetrating our most fundamental wounds and allowing us to explore and transform them into conduits for reconciliation and wholeness. Since studying the Somatic Enneagram with Marion, I am more able to remain in my body and heart, instead of my head, and have found a wellspring of emotional healing there.
Burnell Vassar, MD
“Marion Gilbert is brilliant at this work.”
“[Marion] is a warm, wise, and knowledgeable teacher who can help you find a new way to deal with life.”
I had read in the Enneagram literature about learning to listen to your body and about accessing your head, your heart, and your body at the same time to gain a deeper understanding of your responses and reactions, but I really had no idea how to do so. Marion's classes have enriched my life in so many ways and taught me how to focus my attention within my body so that I might better deal with overwhelming situations. She is a warm, wise, and knowledgeable teacher who can help you find a new way to deal with life.
Aletha Burge, student
“[Marion] is a warm, wise, and knowledgeable teacher who can help you find a new way to deal with life.”

About Marion Gilbert, RPT

Marion Gilbert, RPT, who has been practicing physical therapy since 1978, is the owner of a well-established physical therapy practice and movement studio in Grass Valley, California. She has extensive training in Craniosacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release® and Trauma Resolution. She has been actively using the Enneagram professionally and personally since 2003.

She emphasizes understanding the role of the somatic lens of perception in facilitation of personal and spiritual transformation with the Enneagram. Her specific interest is in developing somatic awareness for reconciling 3-centered awareness, providing a platform for meditation, contemplation, and awakening practices. She has developed the Somatic Enneagram Certification Training and is teaching locally, nationally, and internationally. She is an adjunct faculty member of The Narrative Enneagram and an advisory board member of the Enneagram Prison Project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.



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