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With Neurosurgeon & Bestselling Author of
Proof of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe
Eben Alexander, MD

And Co-Founder of Sacred Acoustics
& Sound-Journey Facilitator
Karen Newell


Expand your awareness and trust in the essence that connects all beings in a great cosmic tapestry of life to diminish the dread of death and the anguish of loss, and inspire deeper meaning in your life... including a deeper understanding of the eternal promise that all is well.


Awakening from a week-long coma following a life-threatening illness, the first words Dr. Eben Alexander, a distinguished neurosurgeon, spoke to the family members surrounding his bedside were “All is well.”

To the outside world, Eben had been unresponsive for a week. On the inside, memories of an extraordinary journey to the spiritual realm stirred within him a clear picture of the true nature of our shared reality...

... one where all beings are eternally connected through the binding force of unconditional love.

From that moment on, Eben no longer viewed himself as a man with a soul... but as a soul having a human experience.

According to Eben and his teaching counterpart, Karen Newell, a sound-journey facilitator with decades of depth in a range of ways to cultivate direct spiritual experience...

... shifting into this spirit-over-matter approach to life fosters a deeper bond with and understanding of those who’ve transitioned, and an enriched comprehension of the interconnectedness of all existence.

In this transformative online event with Eben and Karen, you’ll hear the revelatory insights of Eben’s near-death experience (NDE) and the science that supports our interconnected existence and be guided on how you too can begin perceiving life through the eternal lens of your soul.

You’ll explore how living life as a soul having a human experience can open you to a deeper understanding of the role you play in co-creating the Divine plan that is always unfolding for the evolution of all beings even in the face of loss.

Through the captivating details of Eben’s near-death experience, you’ll discover how even in death, life is still beckoning us toward new possibilities that can enrich our self-awareness and sense of belonging within a greater everlasting reality.

You’ll experience this firsthand as Eben and Karen guide you through a meditation that harnesses binaural beats*  two beats of slightly different frequencies that combine to create a third frequency to help you feel the binding force of unconditional love...

... and begin easing the fear of death, soothing the heartache of parting, and rekindling joy and gratitude for the full experience of life.

*For more on binaural beats and its use in meditation, please read this disclaimer.


In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Hear how neurosurgeon Eben Alexander’s near-death experience changed the way he now relates to death, including the immense difference in his response to the passing of his parents (one passing before and one after his NDE)
  • Feel the binding force of unconditional love in a guided meditation
  • Recognize that knowing that you are a soul having a human experience can ease the fear and emotional pain of physical death and help you align with the greater awareness and purpose your soul envisions for you
  • Explore the latest science that supports an interconnected existence
  • Deepen your trust and know your role in co-creating the divine plan and its enduring promise that “all is well”

Acclaimed for his book Proof of Heaven and his teachings on consciousness, Eben combines his medical and scientific background with the insights of his own near-death experience.

As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers you in the journey of self-discovery and how to engage with your inner world to source deeper streams of guidance from your soul’s perspective.

Together, Eben and Karen provide us with a fresh perspective on how to navigate the reality of physical life and death with clarity, connectedness, and grace.

In joining this special event with Eben and Karen, you’ll be among the first to learn about their new live video course on how to integrate deeper trust in the divine plan that assures us that “all is well” through the wisdom of near-death experiences for a more relaxed, joyous, fulfilling, and meaningful life.

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Join this FREE video event with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell to diminish the fear of death and the anguish of loss by deepening your awareness of the eternal essence that lives within you and connects all beings.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell...

“[Eben] realizes that there are many paths up the mountain, and they end up in the same place.”

Similar to Einstein, Eben, a man of science, delves into the spiritual Oneness. He realizes that there are many paths up the mountain, and they end up in the same place.
Ram Dass

“Dr. Alexander’s case history is one of the most important in the history of medicine.”

Dr. Alexander’s case history is one of the most important in the history of medicine. The fact that he physically survives his illness is astonishing, but his account of a journey during his coma to a resplendent domain that operates according to the principle of boundless love is even more surprising. Karen Newell’s contributions are a valuable addition, making possible a practical blueprint by which one can realize transcendent insights and spiritual growth without experiencing the dangerous trauma of Alexander’s journey.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of  One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

“Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience... was somehow divinely ordained.”

Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon. In my opinion, Dr. Alexander is living proof of an afterlife. The extraordinary circumstances of his illness and his impeccable credentials make it very hard to formulate a mundane explanation for his case. For me, it is difficult to shake the feeling that his experience was somehow divinely ordained.
Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, author of  Life After Life

“... a roadmap for those wishing to bridge science and spirit and enter into a life of wonder and magic.”

Dr. Alexander’s humbleness, along with the wise counsel of Karen Newell, is a roadmap for those wishing to bridge science and spirit and enter into a life of wonder and magic.
William Arntz, creator of  What the BLEEP Do We Know!?

“[Dr. Alexander’s spiritual experience] may well change how we understand our role in the universe.”

Proof of Heaven is more than just an awe-inspiring account of a profound encounter with spiritual reality. Dr. Alexander’s neuroscience career taught him that near-death experiences are brain-based illusions, and yet his personal experience left him dumbstruck. His honest struggle to make sense of this unforgettable journey is a gripping story, unique in the literature of spiritual experiences, that may well change how we understand our role in the universe.
Bruce Greyson, MD, co-editor of  The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation

“... a unique and valuable cultural asset in our efforts to develop a more mature understanding of the nature of self and world.”

With a background in neurosurgery and having had direct experience of non-ordinary aspects of reality, Eben Alexander is a unique and valuable cultural asset in our efforts to develop a more mature understanding of the nature of self and world... Eben and Karen take us with them on their journey of exploration subsequent to Eben’s NDE. They show that the insights they have had are accessible to any one of us, and that sane, coherent, non-materialist views of reality not only exist, but are no longer fringe.
Bernardo Kastrup, philosopher and author of  The Idea of the World: A Multi-Disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality


About Eben Alexander, MD

Academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander III, whose career includes decades as a physician and associate professor at Harvard Medical School and revered teaching hospitals, was once staunchly committed to the materialist worldview the belief that the physical world is all that exists. His scientific belief system was altered by his 2008 transcendental near-death experience (NDE), an odyssey into another realm during a week-long coma.

Despite a bleak medical prognosis, Dr. Alexander awoke to make an inexplicable return to full health. His medical case and unprecedented recovery were validated in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease in September 2018. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with neuroscience, quantum physics, cosmology, and the philosophy of mind. Dr. Alexander speaks around the world to educate others about the role that consciousness plays in wellness, healing, and recovery.

A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, Dr. Alexander has been featured in more than 400 media interviews, including for Good Morning America, 20/20, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Discovery Channel, Biography Channel, and numerous international radio, digital publications, and podcasts.

His three books, available in more than 40 countries, are Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife... The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife... and Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell.

About Karen Newell

Karen Newell is an author and specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of spiritually transformative experiences. Her lifelong interest in ancient cultures and sacred sites catalyzed her drive to understand the purpose of our existence. She became fascinated with esoteric spiritual texts and sought the complete story of humanity’s collective history. 

In her search for answers, it became clear that first-hand personal experience is crucial for deepening one’s understanding. Inspired, she enrolled in hands-on experiential courses to investigate and develop such skills as meditation, lucid dreaming, astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, self-hypnosis, and forms of energy healing, which validated that we all can develop these abilities. Most surprising was that this exploration led to unexpected personal and spiritual growth.

As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings and other techniques, she teaches people how to enter and engage with their inner world to connect to guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness, and develop intuition. This serves as a foundation for greater alignment with meaning, purpose, and connection to the universe at large. Her teachings enable individuals to achieve life transformations towards greater self-fulfillment and contentment, quality relationships, and choices aligned with one’s soul calling from a heart-centered consciousness.

Karen is co-author with Eben Alexander III, MD, of Living in a Mindful Universe. At international workshops presented with Dr. Alexander, Karen demonstrates key practices of consciousness exploration: heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality, emotional management, and cultivating internal knowing. She shares a broad knowledge of spiritually transformative events, including near-death experiences, after-death communications, and shared-death experiences, with a focus on their similarities and transformative aftereffects.
